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Posts posted by Trebor

  1. Shazam?

    I don't know their number (or whether you can contact them or have a similar service in Poland) but if you hold your mobile phone near to the speaker they might be able to find out the details. If they can't determine the track it won't cost you anything.

    Alternatively, if any of the above have lyrics (I can't listen to them at work) type some of them into Google and add 'lyrics' into the search and see what comes up.

  2. I'm bored, this should kill some time:

    Aphex Twin

    Bill Hicks


    Boards of Canada

    Bob Dylan

    Bob Marley



    Dj Food

    The Doors


    Jimi Hendrix

    Luke Vibert

    Miles Davis

    Mozart & Sussmayer

    Mummy Fortunas Theatre Company

    Nick Drake

    Nine Inch Nails



    Pink Floyd

    Prefuse 73

    Rage Against the Machine

    Ryan Teaque

    Sage Francis



    Telefon Tel Aviv

    Tenacious D


    Venetian Snares



  3. Less oxygen floating aboot in your hands? Are your hands getting fatter? Pull out the digi scales and weigh them for the next two weeks every day at the same time. Keep your diet, routine, underwear, everything exactly the same. If your hands get heavier you'll need to go about doing some cardiovascular exercises on your hands, increasing the oxygen being pumped there and taking off the flab on your fingers.

    I recommend one of the following:

    Finger treadmill

    Finger free running

    Finger jumping

    All of which (coincidentally) can be undertaken whilst in the bath, you can watch your hands sink less and less each time - it's foolproof!

  4. Water's always a big deal. But I wouldn't worry about 2 litres, that's more of a total for one day. You have to remember that alot of the food you eat (especially raw fruit & veg) contains water. Aim to be hitting about 1.5 litres of actual water drinkage a day.

    Although if you're exercising, depending on how hard you're going you'll easily drink 3 or 4 times that. It varies upon your diet & lifestyle.

    If you're pissing clear then that's usually a good sign, although if you're going for a piss every hour or so - you're drinking way more than you need to.

  5. i don't get why people use anything other than myspace!

    Facebook is like the evolved MySpace - it's so much better. MySpace is way too cluttered with adverts and other roobish. Plus Murdoch owns it :P

  6. I think smoking is possibly the most recurring (readable) topic in chit-chat these days!

    Ok, laptops going to die very quickly. In short, I don't really drink or smoke that often these days. I used to alot, had alot of good times, but during the period I've also had great times sober. Moderation is the key with any drug, you drink alot you'll be a complete nob in some way to someone you know. You smoke alot you'll just be a complete monger and get lost in a routine which just kills boredom, making doing nothing enjoyable.

    I way prefer the affects of cannabis, if it was possible to eat it and it affect you the same way as a joint I think that'd be best. No battering the lungs and it doesn't completely shit on you. But, then again, sober's fun enough!

    Question: Did they ever do much research into long term detrimental effects to the brain from drinking & smoking? Just curious.

  7. I enjoyed it, although the whole him walking down the street dancing along with all the hotties checking him out - what was that about? I swear it didn't really contribute at all to the story.

    Bruce Campbell did make the resteraunt scene, he's such a legend. And Sideways guy (Sandman) was pretty good, although very wooden, always had the same sullen face and emotions.

    It's fun.


  8. For overall functionality, I really can'y say a bad thing about the K800i, everything on it seems to have been thought out, making it really easy to use. Syncs with my mac fine, picture quality from it isn't too bad, auto-focus, flash, different picture modes, multiple (customisable) alarms - very useful I've found. Get a 2gb M2 card for it and you're pretty much set. The battery life is great too, as is the screen. Plus it's 3G if that's your bag.

    Admittedly, before this I had always been a Nokia guy. With an oldish Nokia 7270 (I think that was the model name) so I guess any phone would seem to be amazing but this is still a very decent phone! And it's not hard to convert to. The only thing I had a bit of a niggle with was having '#' as the space key instead of '0'. I'm suprised that you can't customise that on phones to whichever button setup you want.

    Oh, and James Bond had one - don't forget that ;)

  9. I've not listened to the above but I've a feeling that it's drone music. I'm not a fan myself but my brother who's pretty much an insomniac finds it really useful. It basically gives you something to concentrate on instead of letting your brain wander on about stuff that might keep you awake. As it only changes very slightly you still concentrate yet your brain can relax and go to sleep despite the apparent hugeness of the noise.

    Kinda hard to get across, though I never have this problem, I can get to sleep real easy.

    You don't need headphones that's for sure, just a half decent system - if indeed it's the type o' music I'm referring to.

  10. That was just quoted from the article - I've no idea to be honest.

    So it's possible to figure out a planets pull with it's dimensions and dimensions of the sun (plus the orbit jazz)? Is gravity formulaeic in that way? I just thought it varied from planet to planet :S

  11. Hmm, I'm sceptical, how the fudge can they determine the planet's surface gravity?? Which btw (:P) "is probably around twice that of the Earth and the atmosphere could be similar to ours."

    That's why I linked the News24 article, they don't publish quite so much tripe!

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