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Posts posted by 6ft-midget

  1. Looks swish. makes me want a 24 that little more now.

    And on the subject of brakeless, ive done it briefly before christmas, I found it was challenging yet fun and then when i put the brakes back on i felt more able than before.

    I've just taken the brakes back off again due to massive failure in both front and back brakes, and i really want to go have a proper session. plus i think the bike looks cleaner brakeless.

    P.S. Mark I've used your tensioner idea, works a treat needed a few mods for use with a cassette hub but it works beautifully. Cheers :D

  2. Thanks mate ! The walls n high street are awesome, a really good gap there.

    Yeah that was what i had in mind :S I been told that if you side hop the "wrong" way your pedal can hit the wall but that makes no sense at all hah !

    I wont be buying another freewheel as i just got my tensile 40 click which is pretty good. If i wil get anything i'll probs buy the 108 click tensile.


    I think its also to do with being easier tuck right into the bike but that's just for gays anyways so :-

  3. Good video mate.

    I really want to ride those walls in Dunstable high street.

    Don't worry bout the sidehopping the 'wrong' way thing, me and my mate dan (dan6061) both do it and it doesn't hinder sidehops much. just look at Neil Tunnicliffe he can sidehop 8 pallets the 'wrong' way.

    and also if you were going to by a 108 freewheel get the echo sl, much better value for money.

  4. ive had my chest and shoulder bone done, chest is weird, whereas the shoulder bone is excruciating!

    +1 Spine felt tingly though

    This is almost a year old now though, looking to get my next one done soon.


  5. Well if it did get put in the olympics it would probably be are only garenteed Gold lol.

    I doubt it haha

    I mean we've got some bloody good riders but i doubt it would be guaranteed gold, the euro boys have the comp scene pretty dialled at the mo.

    But trials in the olympics would be cool.

  6. I was on tartybikes looking at videos and came across this one and instantley I thought wow this guy is amazing. I had never heard of him before this. I think its amazing how he can do this stuff so easily, I mean compared to him I am terrible. He is 20 years old and is amazing. So inspiring. Anyway here it is Damon Watson also known as D unit or D wats.

    Damon Watson

    Pure Class

    As said that was ages ago.

    If you havent already, then check this out Clicky click

  7. Also, if the tag is embedded into the frame, if you brake that frame you would have to go through all the hassle of re-registering a new tag.

    I know this doesnt apply to everyone but some people change frames every 6 months or so.

    Plus what would you have to do if you brought a tagged frame, how much of a hardship would it be to change the name?, and what would the implications be if you didn't?

  8. Whooooaaa that's beyond bodged haha. Good effort

    Did you do that to both sides in the end cos i don't quite understand why that had to be done.

    I once had to bodge my Middleburns when the threads that held the cog on stripped. So I drilled through the bash where all the holes where and nut and bolted it, i kinda made the same mistake you did by not double checking before i attacked it with the Black & Decker and ended up drilling out part of the crank :S

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