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Tim/Trialsin USA

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Everything posted by Tim/Trialsin USA

  1. Red is the standard color. Orange, tan and blue are all one offs.
  2. "Mech hangers/sprung/fixed tensioners are old, redundant technology, and deserve no place in todays trials scene*." I personally agree...but...over the years I have found that amazing riding skills does not necessarily translate into mechanical ability. With the increase in full disc bikes, vertical dropouts are pretty fool proof in getting disc correctly aligned with the caliper. Until stock bike frame makers adopt a simple standard like the WTF, we are stuck with a patchwork of tensioning systems. Vertical is better for ensuring quick/consistentg alignment of disc brakes. Horizontals (WTF frame aside) have a more durable tensioning system. Pick the most important to you.
  3. some frames just come with a little forethought. 135, vertical drop outs AND a descent tensioning set up. Oh yeah...and its not made by 9 fingered 8 year olds on break from weaving rugs (lighten up, its a freakin' joke.....).
  4. "i found yes, i had my solid pro2 (06) and it never really skipped, i can kick as hard as can and not worry too much" With that sort of confidence in the Hope set up........... what possesed you to change?
  5. Would have been a bargain if they had just left it alone. As it stands it has a rear brake in need of brake pads you can not get anymore, marginal front brake, fork the does not match the geometry, frame that has been (for some un-go-known reason) ripped apart for a mountain bike hub. Thus......... a pile of rubble for $250 does not strike me as a bargain.
  6. While there are a number of things than can be said about trials comps not being big in the US, most are excuses. We used to have big comps years ago. This US counterpart to this forum is OTN (observedtrials.net). In recent years, I can't count how many times someone has started a thread "how to make trials bigger in the US"...or something like it. There is a flurry of talk..................talk...............and more talk. All very enthusiastic and well meaning........but the talk is as far as it goes. Really it is simply a matter of action over hot air.
  7. We changed to combined classes a few years ago. "Modified" used to mean "not close to normal bike"! and "stock" bike meant it was a mountain bike with little changes. With the dropping of gear rules, and seats and a few other things..... "stock" bikes are now nothing but big wheeled mods. And why would you create a seperate class for that? The final thing that cinched the decision for us, we took the average scores from 5 years of NATS (North American Trials Series)..... you know what the average point difference was for all that time? 1 point. Didn't give the rule change a second thought after that. I do not know what the BIU rules currently say, but we dumped ALL the technical rules. Does not matter what size or kind of bike you bring.......as long as it is safe. To my way of thinking, it is a real way to get more people involved and bring more innovation to design.
  8. The color in real life is awesome. It is always hard to capture paint depth and complexity in a picture. It took a long time, but some are finally availabe. At US$850 they are not cheap, but then again you not looking at the predictable crop offerred by quantity producers. The exchange rate is definalty in your favor. Approx. 500 pound for a frame hand built by one of the best custom frame builders on the planet. You can contact Fred/Ben Savage at NSE/Trialsman for more info. There are less than ten of this available at the moment.
  9. The differences in weight, engagement, durability and the like are nominal. If you already have a King, there is not much point in spending the money to go front freewheel.... and the inverse is true as well. So, if your just looking for an excuse to get new stuff (hey, nothing wrong with that either) , you can find one.... just not enough difference to make you commit crimes for.
  10. I can't officially say that that crossed my mind......but..... blah, ha, ha, ha......sufficient obviscation?!
  11. Attacked by a fleet of these, powered by Lucas batteries?!.....oh no!
  12. don't you mean TIRE?....heh, heh, heh......
  13. Nothing to do with trials!...ha, ha, ha.... Though your point about the sooner we get into the recession the sooner we get out is historic/economic fact. While there were many, many reasons for the Great Depression (don't know what you called it there, but thats what we call the economic calamity of the 1930s here).... universally agreed by economist (left or right of center) is that what our governments did to try and help actually extended the problems by years. Before that time, economic downturns were called PANICS.... they were severe....but usually comparatively quite short. The reason is that everyone didn't sit around (individuals as well as companies) waiting for the government to help... they had to get moving immediatly to address their own needs....thus righting the economic well being of people as a whole quicker than politicians ever could. Its not compansionate, but economics is about numbers......... not warm and fuzzies! So, any one up for a discussion of the importance of the Falkland Islands wool on the commodities market?....blah, ha, ha, ha
  14. Ha, ha, ha....I will have to try the tinfoil, the mixing bowl I was using seems to have only powers to protect me from MI5....blah, ha, ha. I think you need to understand something about media and the US. Most people in this country give little creadance to our own media!.....god forbid the rest of the world actrually take it seriously! This includes freaks like Michael Moore (completly discredited by all but the most viseral self haters and socialists), Rev Fallwell (some people just don't get that the world was not created in 7 days!). I will appologize to the world for this, for these feckless wonders most certainly do not represent this country nor is people (then again, politicians don't do a very good job of it...but I find that to be a universal truth worldwide). I did not vote for George Bush, nor was I a fan of going into the middle east. However, the giant paranoia machine that feeds some sort of conspiracy theory that all is run by dark sunglassed oil men, George Bush and secret rich societies is as over the top in believability as one man ridding all of Ireland of snakes (for which we have to endure green beer and shamrocks for one weekend a year..... easy now, I'm just teasing!).
  15. Unsupportable historical fiction at its best. Did you know the CIA was also responsible for the Bermuda Triangle?...ha, ha, ha.....
  16. Who wants to keep track of a bunch of colors all the time? Once in a great while is fun, all the time is a pain in the ass.
  17. If the pad performs well, why not? I do not believe in changing collors every week....... but this is onlly the third color for this material in ten years, not exactly beating a dead horse.
  18. In fact, so many have snapped....that there has not been a previous thread on it (amazing since they have been out 3 years)..... .or screams from any of the importers for replacement. In fact, importers call and want more because of the lack of issues. Is it possible that one has snapped, yes....anything is possible. What should be the course of action? .... call the dealer and ask what can be done. I would be curious to see some pics so that it might be determined what happened. My guess is that maybe there was some defect in the metal in that one that allowed that to happen. I will pit the material and machining of White Industries (contract manufacturer) to any of the other less expensive ones pumped out of far east.
  19. Just about the tenth anniversary for this compound. They were yellow before red, and it was not a mistake. The first compound dates back about 12 years ago. Those were the Plazmatic Citric Acid pads and they were orange. Plazmatic actually dates from 1993/4. Started as a ceramic rim coating service, mostly for tandem rims. Trials did not enter the mix until 1995.
  20. How many do you want? OE Magura ones that is..........
  21. There are any number of things that drive the price of brake pads. 1. Material. Some materials can be (reletively speaking), quite expensive. 2. Process. Injection molding is typically cheaper than poured. Many trials pads are poured because manufacturing facilities that do injection molding want to do number (tens of thousands at a time) that most trials companies don't want to commit to. 3. Hand made. I have assembled (and dissasembled!) alot of pads. When it comes down to it, cutting/shaving/shaping urethane is a tedious thankless task that..... sucks! If I were hand shaping each pad........ I would charge alot more actually! 4. R&D cost. It costs a fair ammount of money to keep experimenting with hundreds of compounds and develop and pay for the next project. 5. Some pads have none of the above to explain away the prices......... they are just making a shit load of profit!
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