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Everything posted by MikeCottTrials

  1. When you first get it you are ment to wear it in for a few weeks otherwise it will be totally broken by wear it in i mean not do any moves that put loads of stress on the hub. but if the hub is not already broken you should expect the odd skip every so often
  2. I just ask cos im thinking of getting a mod but im used to 175 on my stock
  3. ok guys just wondering what sort of length crank arm people have on mods
  4. obvious from the other replies but dont do it mate
  5. I just bought one those powerballs hope its good
  6. Hey baby one night with little mike and you'll come crawling back for more lol. But seriously just say the word :thumbsup:
  7. i suggest you find another fad which doesnt cost much.
  8. Does anyone know what sort of price a full build of a zip would be? i'm looking to spend up to or below £500. and if i dont get a zona il probably end up on a t-pro even though id really like a zoo or a zona
  9. its not good or funny that you do that, one day youll do it and the guy will think your mugging him and kick you ass. when you get a pic of that then post it. or any media which involves you being hurt
  10. yeah ok maybe your excited about meeting pros man but this shite about hugging em is getting really old all you ever talk about is hugging, you should get a woman or a man by the sound of your swing its MAN
  11. i'm gonna beat your face. by the way i made a little movie of today 3:08 long
  12. you can see what hes thinking 'someone get this retard off me, before i open a can of woop ass on him'
  13. Jen24 looks quite hot from the pic wouldnt mind a quicky
  14. very nice bike, i hope to get something like that this year.
  15. Whats with you man? just lately ive noticed you everywhere talking about hugging pros and you started a thread about phill williams to be honest id be excited to meet a pro but i would make every effort to make them think i wasnt a twat but youre doing the opposite
  16. judging by your pic your hot youve got my vote lol i like the sound of that but what if shes an early bloomer or she shaves
  17. why not upgrade even more and get a zoo python
  18. dont know how big you go but be careful when using cheap parts
  19. trust me within one or two goes you will beat your static distance just remember to keep your front low compared with uping something, so itll shoot you forward
  20. i have no idea what deadlifting is but my advice is that there is no advise. you just have to get out there and do it
  21. personally i love doing gaps and any type of up. but i know others think different like you street dudes with youre manuals and all
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