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Posts posted by omgnoseat

  1. school - homework ,no free time etc

    Wangstahs (the dutch chavs)

    Girls - they make the biggest trouble out of tiniest things

    Dutch music - sucks so bad

    Dutch Natiolists (sp) - they go out on the streets and shout: HOLLAND HOLLAND WE ARE THE BEST BLABLABLA very anoying

    Bike breaking

    Family - (see dutch natiolists)

    Myself - i really hate myself sometimes, ecspecialy now that i got some weird stress thingy; i'm al shakey and feel like im gonna cry (note i'm not a cry baby:P) and feel like im gonna faint for the last couple o weeks, i only got this in class but i can't make my tests like this and i need to get good scores or else i won't pass :(

  2. i learned stuff in this order:


    backhop (from endo)

    normal back hop

    pedal kick


    pedal up

    and thats about it atm, ive been riding for 1 month and 3 weeks or so and i can do as many backhops as i want,

    25inch sidehops (from 2wheels and from 1 wheel 2), pedal up near 30 inch.

    but i kinda suck at gapping, can only do about 1meter =/

  3. i live in the netherlands and we don't got chavs here, but we do have alot of wangsters and wiggers.

    this is a pic of some people in the city where i live: http://home.wanadoo.nl/arjen-fabienne/straat_pics.htm

    90% of the people in my city are like this (and the guys on the pics arent even that bad).

    and all the music channels are all wangsterized aswell.

    heres an example of what kind of music is on the tv and radio the whole day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbYggJLYjP0&search=rampeneren

    i know you guys can't understand it but just look at the guys in the clip and look how cool they think they are.

  4. xbox 360 and playstation 3 suck :-

    the games are exactly the same as on every other console, the only thing that has improved are the looks.

    check out the Wii seems like thats alot more fun, the name sucks though :P

  5. going to spain with my parents and my brother :)

    i might go to the trialpark in Barcelona, hope i can practise enough before i go, cus i've only been riding for about a month and 2 weeks :P

    I would be much better if my bike parts would stop breaking (N)

    but anyway, should still be alot of fun

  6. woot new video from my favorite rider :D

    will edit when downloaded

    edit: nice vid as always, not your best vid but it was still pretty good.

    looking forward to your next one (Y)

  7. IPB Image

    my best sig imo :)

    one of my first animated sigs:

    IPB Image

    IPB Image

    first landscape thingy, very proud of this :P

    i kinda stoped with photoshop and stuff now though, using my time for trials now ;), when bike is not broken that is =/

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