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Posts posted by omgnoseat

  1. Well i got my first trialbike a a couple a weeks ago and ive ridden it for 12 days now, and some stuff already broke:

    - chain (fixed now)

    - broke 2 spokes (1 in front wheel and one in rear wheel)

    - front brake broken (leak in the cable)

    Keep in mind that i can't do any large gaps or drops, i only do backhops and small sidehops.

    The bike is second hand but still..i dont think that things should break this quickly cus its quite an expensive bike.

    And i never drop it or something too.


    Now my question is, is it normal that things break this quickly or is it just a piece of crap?

  2. i listen to all kind of music, but rock/metal is my favorite.

    these are some of my favorite bands:

    In Flames


    Avenged Sevenfold

    Sum 41

    Breaking Benjamin


    too bad that i don't got long hair, headbanging with long hair owns :rolleyes:

  3. its dutch, it means ''a good idea''

    you say it like this:

    ean(like in early) goot (the g is used in a different way than in english, cant explain how=/) E-de (de like in date)

    ean goot E-de :P

    hard to explain the prenounciation (spelling..) when english isnt your first language =/

  4. i was riding again today and it happend again xD (and i was even wearing protection so that it wouldnt come between the chain again :( )

    now my chain isnt working anymore -.-, but its raining now so i cant ride anyway.

    Enough time to take a look at it and fix it i guess then.

    Buy some three quarter length shorts, works for me thumbsupanim.gif

    I live in the netherlands its too cold to wear those now :(

  5. when i wore baggyish i wore a old lace around my trouser leg and then sort of flicked the trouser leg over it and made them less baggy, helped a bunch!

    tom tom

    I think that this will solve my problem, ill try to find and old lace and i'll just use the sock way if i cant find any :P

    Thanks for the reply's everyone =]

  6. Hello, i've been visiting this forum for quite a while now, but i never registered because i didnt have a trialbike yet, so i felt like i had nothing to talk about.

    I never trialbiked before but im getting a trialbike (http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/8836/tehtrialbikezors0gw.jpg) this saterday =], i hope the weather is nice so that i can start right away.

    Its not new though, dont have enough money for a new one =[

    Anyway, let me tell me something about myself:

    My name is Martino, im 16 years old and im from the Netherlands.

    and..i guess thats pretty much it :P

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