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Everything posted by omgnoseat

  1. made this quickly not sure in what style you wanted ur logo sorry for stealing ur image realriding
  2. I found this free online billjards game, and wanted to share it with you guys. here is the site: http://www.carom3d.com/ You need to register at the site to be able to play online. be sure to change the screen settings cus it sucks playing with the default resolution. And be sure not to join matches with guys that won alot, cus theyre insanely good o_O My ingame name is Noktai, just message me when im online and we'll play a match
  3. 1) my name is Martino and im from the netherlands 2) i ride a monty 221ti from 2004 and im im having quite some bad luck with this bike, in terms of breaking stuff. 3) i've been riding for 13 days and im enjoying it, too bad that the weather is crap cus i could be riding alot more if it was any better. 4) none
  4. thanks ill try to order that soon
  5. quite a good vid, the drop on the end of the vid was really nice
  6. yea i think i will get a new one when i go to spain this year, they have lotsa trial stuff there and i think ill check out the trials park in barcelona too (if im any good by then )
  7. the chain wasnt really broken in the way you mean, it just suddenly stopped working, but its fixed now . and thanks for the replies because i was kinda worried that it was a piece of crap, because its hard to get replacements for trialbike parts in the netherlands
  8. Well i got my first trialbike a a couple a weeks ago and ive ridden it for 12 days now, and some stuff already broke: - chain (fixed now) - broke 2 spokes (1 in front wheel and one in rear wheel) - front brake broken (leak in the cable) Keep in mind that i can't do any large gaps or drops, i only do backhops and small sidehops. The bike is second hand but still..i dont think that things should break this quickly cus its quite an expensive bike. And i never drop it or something too. http://img12.imageshack.us/my.php?image=te...bikezors1ds.jpg Now my question is, is it normal that things break this quickly or is it just a piece of crap?
  9. very nice vid great riding, i liked the mix of street and natural in ur vid . Whats the first song, i really like it.
  10. could anyone tell me what song plays in the braunschweig bestof2005 vid?
  11. whats so exiting about drops anyway? the only thing it does is break your bike
  12. omgnoseat


    i listen to all kind of music, but rock/metal is my favorite. these are some of my favorite bands: In Flames Disturbed Avenged Sevenfold Sum 41 Breaking Benjamin Mudvayne too bad that i don't got long hair, headbanging with long hair owns
  13. you should try some of these: In Flames Disturbed Avenged Sevenfold Sum 41 Mudvayne Breaking Benjamin
  14. i know that this is kinda offtopic, but what is a hub? (still a bike newb )
  15. its dutch, it means ''a good idea'' you say it like this: ean(like in early) goot (the g is used in a different way than in english, cant explain how=/) E-de (de like in date) ean goot E-de hard to explain the prenounciation (spelling..) when english isnt your first language =/
  16. www.imageshack.us is better, no need to register
  17. i got bored so i made another one this is how it might look like when its old and rusted and stuff
  18. ah ok ill remove it then, thanks for telling me
  19. if anyone else wants his photo editeded (more depth, changing colors, fixing red eyes etc) just tell me
  20. i was riding again today and it happend again xD (and i was even wearing protection so that it wouldnt come between the chain again ) now my chain isnt working anymore -.-, but its raining now so i cant ride anyway. Enough time to take a look at it and fix it i guess then. I live in the netherlands its too cold to wear those now
  21. I think that this will solve my problem, ill try to find and old lace and i'll just use the sock way if i cant find any Thanks for the reply's everyone
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