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Alex@Flawless Bikes

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Posts posted by Alex@Flawless Bikes

  1. It would be good to get some media coverage, you could e-mail the bbc or something. The only thing is their is media coverage everyone would have to be super careful not to bash the sh*t out of wall ect... Don't want to give the wrong message across. However i hope this happens becasue it would be amazing. My vote is for it to take place on a saturday becasue i work on Sunday :P

  2. Not all cheap tools are totally crap, some can work better then the more exspensive one! However are there any tools that you would advise others to not touch with a 10ft barge poll! Here is my contribution... Never buy a multi-tool from asda becasue this will happen! Then again the cheap multi-tool from halford is good so point proven.


  3. Me and chris might not make it, he has left his bike over andy's and can't get it till andy gets back from work. Also i need to fix my bike and the fcuking garage door before i can come so don't know when we will make it, shame because it looks like its going to be a good ride!

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