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Alex@Flawless Bikes

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Posts posted by Alex@Flawless Bikes

  1. I think that the zona's are stronger then the t-pro frame unless you have an older t-pro frame thats made out of the U6 then i would think they are abou t the same! Also my mate had a zona zip and i have an 05 pythan and they are nothing like each other to ride they have totally different geo's!

  2. They are nice to ride, 3 of my mates have them so they can't be that bad :P However they do feel different then lots of other stocks to ride because they have VERY high BB's. You should get one be sweet! Have a look on TARTY for all the geo infomation.

  3. you f**king retard, i cant actually believe you bothered to put the effort in to type that its actually pathetic.

    sorry matey i wont be attending either, unless you are out past 6 then i may be up for a night sesh... not sure yet though


    stfu u pile of shit id fuk u up

    You are one angry guy, just calm down or piss off!

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