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Everything posted by az_zoo

  1. Get new frame if you have just started i say get a Saracen Mad 26" but ask other people too don't just take my advice im not good with 26", Im a mod rider myself. az-man
  2. I was thinking today about the first time i saw trials. I remeber thinking thats mad and i'd love to do that, And im now the owner of a ZOO! Python and can do more then what i watched that person doing. I get all the inspiration in my riding from the people i ride with when i see them do something ive been trying for ages, Which pushes me harder. So i was just wondering who or what inspires you the most to ride trials? cheers az-man
  3. Yes im sure it is good to mate, but im sorry could not watch it could not get it to work.
  4. Cheers man for all that information many thanks.
  5. I use Monty foam grips because i have small hands so easier to get better grip you can get the Try-All ones but i heard of my mate Travis they wear down quickly. I say get Monty ones but if you have big hands then i advise you to get somethink like Viz grips they are cool its up to you though mate.
  6. I find that the 04 levers are much better then the 05's because they are more powerful and look better then the 05 ones. The 05 ones were designed to make the brake pull more solidly with out the spongeness thats why i think they are less powerful then the 04 ones. So i think that you should stick with the 04 ones mate but it is up to you. az-man
  7. Ok cheers mate. Does anyone else have any more information please? cheers az-man
  8. Does anyone know much bout the new Tensile freewheel coming out i know that its got 6 paws, 60 clicks and that it will be about £30 when it comes out can anyone else give me some more information about it please? cheers az-man
  9. Yes grind the axle down so it will fit into the frame but make sure you grind both sides mate.
  10. Yeah man i totaly agree with you why do they do it. I don't see the point we all belive in the same sport. When it all happends i just keep out of it i find that is the best thing to do.
  11. Yeah the Echo lite is based on the 2004 Echo team but oviously slightly modified.
  12. Sorry lads would love to go but i live a bit to far away.
  13. So do i use, windows movie maker.
  14. No sorry mate never heard of them.
  15. I don't know what they are like its up to ypu its worth a try is'nt it.
  16. On the 26th, big ride at London at shell at 10.30! Be there or be circle!
  17. Well middleburns don't look good on 20" but if you go on www.trials-uk.co.uk you can get echo cranks for £40 what are good they are square taper. be quick because they are clearing out mate!
  18. Cool man where is bracken?
  19. I run front maggie with home made pads but, i would recommend a hope try-all disc.
  20. Yeah man pictures are good man ill see you soon at Folkstone ride mate.
  21. Yeah man thats pretty mint keep it up guys.
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