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The lemonade man

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Posts posted by The lemonade man

  1. I used to own a t-pro, was an amazing frame to ride, even with the crappy parts I had on it.

    Although, mine did end up cracked in 2 places :- Although it seems this is a reasonably rare occurance considering the amount of the frames ridden.

    Overall a great bike for beginners. Like every other topic made on these, I get the feeling that'll be the overall view.

  2. Could afford two 2nd hand bikes but I've just started racing and my dh bike has taken me ages to make/afford so thats not really an option.

    I think I'll just build it up and see how it goes, trials style, short stem and narrower bars as Ali C said.

    Cheers, keep the suggestions coming :)

  3. I'm thinking, as I can't afford a full build trials bike and dirt-jump rig, why shouldn't I make one to do both?

    If I had reasonably long rigid forks, and a wide gear ratio, would there be any reason not to?

    <getting bored of dirt jump on my dh bike (N) )

  4. As I can't afford to buy another trials bike, I'm going to build up a stock from spare parts so I don't need to buy as much until I have money.

    Anyway, just wondering a few things such as tyres. What widths would you suggest front and back? I'm thinking high rollers 2.5 rear and 2.35 front?

    Wheels, what would it be like riding a frame designed for 26" with 24's? (planet-x zebdi)? Just always liked to try 24".

    Flat bars or risers? Or are both generally used.

    Thats it really, thanks alot.

  5. If your too young to work, how you managed to buy a big hit is beyond me. :huh:

    Took me about 2 years to build, christmas and birthday money etc.

    I'll try drilling it at the sides and hopefully that will slow it down.

    Thanks for all your help people, wasn't expecting this many responses :P

  6. Problem is though, I'm too young to work anywhere, have tried washing cars etc. but everyone is a right tight-arse where I live, have nothing to sell except my bighit which I've spent all my money on and love and it's not worth that much anyway...

    And my parents are having financial problems at the moment so that rules them out...

  7. Hi guys, very p*ssed off at the moment as I've just found a crack in my frame and have absolutley no money and owe alot...

    Anyway I'm wondering if theres any relatively cheap way of welding/fixing it. It's an onza T-pro and its cracked on the downtube just after the weld where it meets the toptube by the headtube.

    Don't really know why it's done it as I've not been going big on it :(


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