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Everything posted by Oskar

  1. why cant i run royal blood with the crossover braided?? I think it is 6mm for the crossover, M6 and 6mm is the same thing right? I didnt really understand that talk about unex, is it a brand of hose or something? Becouse I will run the Goodridge hose.
  2. Hey, im tired of kicking and snapping my plastic magura crossover so I want to get I braided one instead. Tarty and CRC only have a complete set so I will build my own. This hose: http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?modelID=2938 But witch fittings is best? Magura or Hope? Magura: http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=1526 Hope: http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?modelID=3258 What do you guys recommend? Thanks
  3. its not a bianchi though, just a crescent with bianchi paint exactly the same as crescent ilions 2001-2002
  4. yep, and i still have the frame
  5. my first trial bike was a Bianchi Ilions
  6. you meen that it dont look like a xtp?
  7. för många? den kostar som en ny furia moped eller nåt ja har inte testat speciellt mkt men efter det lilla jag har så känns det väldigt bra! mkt bättre än det gammla.
  8. new bar and stem now, feels much better but the wether is shit so i have just been out for like 5 min with it... pics in the first post.
  9. No no, I dont ride a frame, I only get ridden
  10. I would have bought the X2 in 17 degree but they have apparantly stoped making them =( But this one is nice (and a little stronger) so its ok You know I only have my bike to get laid...
  11. awesome. thanks for the bump btw, now i can post what came in the mail today i just waiting for the buyall punching bar now...
  12. I had the exact same problem, new plastic washers and everything, i got mad and filed down my rockpads and used the orginal magura mounts... no problems then
  13. awesomeness. how heavy / light is it?
  14. if they know they cant ride and dont think they can its cool. but if they are talkin shit about others and think they are the best they should die. my bike is pretty decent but i suck and i know it, but i dont say to others that i am good
  15. complete edit: Ben Travis, look again please. Its a standard Hope Mono Trial with the extra parts that you can buy at every Hope dealer. And it dont have a laser atached tartybikes logo, and the reason I dont want one is becouse I think its enough with stickers and stuff like that. Do you get it? I dont know how it is in your contry, but here in Sweden peple are allowed to have their own opinions about things.
  16. Well the new ones use powerpads backings.....
  17. nice, white is the shit
  18. stupid morons makes me angry. you are making me angry
  19. and that is coming from the guy with a 1200mm wheelbase
  20. this is just the beginning
  21. Martin, I think this is the UK version of swebikers.se....
  22. f**k all forums are full of f**king morons, f**k!
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