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N Roach

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Posts posted by N Roach

  1. cool stuff nath, i shud of gone to that comp great weather, bring on the nationals next year, i really want to do them now, will you be competing in junior again or do you go up?

    I dont know what happens now mate. Not to sure if we have been seded into elite or if we stay in juniors till we are 18 or if we move into the senior class.

    nice little vid... great place hook woods for the motorcycle and cycle stuff.

    That answers that question... wasn't sure of who you were when i took this... :)


    Thats me :D Excellent! Its nice to have a professional picture. Thank you (Y)

  2. Southampton tomorrow, will be there with Max, Joe and Connor. See you lot in the morning (Y)

    Yo Ross, Im waiting to hear back from Matt Hard-on to see if he'll train it with me or drive! i'll let you know as soon as he gets back to me. Could be a little late as I have a driving lesson in the morning until like 10.20ish

  3. loved the swap on the last clip....Really like the look of those frames, how have you found it?

    I have found this frame better to ride than my ozonys :blink: Maybe its just because the geo suits me better. I give this frame 9/10. The only improvements I would suggest is: 135mm rear spacing and to have a integreation booster. Apart from that, I recoment this frame to anyone that is thinking about getting one!

  4. Nathan, render your videos as progressive, not interlaced. That will remove the horrid liney issue you have on that vid.

    Good vid anyway, but I have the same view about the car and the lady. Doesnt take much to wait a couple of seconds for them to go past.

    Thanks for the comment Andy. I will change it to progressive now. Thanks for the help :)

    I will admit, I should have waited. I was foolish! ;)

  5. compressiing video is like hell mate

    the only thing I m sure is, with the shit quality you have at the moment...100 mo is more than ok

    when I don't care about the quality I compress my vids with windows movie maker...it's gay as feck...but sooo it's easy...

    hope someone will help you more than I do :lol:

    Chrisophe' has guided me, so a higher quality should be up tonight:)

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