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N Roach

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Posts posted by N Roach

  1. Thanks for great comments peepz. :D

    Good video - with some nice riding, but that last clip was completely inconsiderate of that lady - also hope that ws your car you knocked. Hate to moan - but stuff like that annoys me and only gives trials riders bad names as being ''anti social'' and so on.

    But good riding never the less.

    I totally agree with you. The only come back I have against your point is that I was trying that line for a good 20 mins and manage to do it when the car was waiting to turn, but I was not turning away as this line was the one. It's abit selfish I know ;)

  2. Evening all,

    Nathan Roach - Another Summer Gone!!!

    Big thanks to Matt Hardy and Dan Brooker for having the patience when filming my lines. I have been concentrating on riding lines instead of individual moves. I'm more than happy to hear good and bad comments.

    Just to clear the air about my name. In September I changed my name by solicitor from 'Nathan Coward' to 'Nathan Roach'. So from now onwards till my death, I am Nathan Roach.


    Nathan :)

  3. as i dont know where poole is i wont be riding guys

    left then right then right again then left then left then right then left then rigt then right again then left then left then right then left then right then right again then left then left then right then left then rigt then right again then left then left then right then left straight over and your in POOLE.

    Got it?

  4. did you get that from t-uk?

    ive been trying to get one through warrenty as my neon (conquer) has the manufacturing default (where the chain wears through the frame) and it seems as though t-uk are just ignoring my emails, i feel a phone call is in order....


    I actually got it from Hong Kong. Definantly, call Dan and get it sorted (Y)

    Look really really nice.Whats the geo?

    NEON BOW 26" Frame Wheelbase: Short 1065 mm / Long 1075 mm

    Chainstays: 380 mm

    Head angle: 71.5°

    BB High: 42mm

    Weight: 1816g

    Color: Red/White, White/Black

  5. Hey,

    This is my new ride. Had this for frame for two weeks, built it up the other day and I love it. It is shorter than my Ozonys but feels just right. As it has a 116mm rear spacing, I had to try a new setup with a front freewheel, which I also like alot. Big Thanks to Tarty for a few parts (Y)






  6. Tom that was nothing less than absolutly amazing. :) I've been gone a week, and youve turn into baby tra. Really like the music and them lines were excellent. Well done mate, ride soon! (Y)

  7. Evening all,

    This is Dan's lastest project for the new team rider Darren. The theme of the lid is the Hulk. Dan has'nt quite finished the lid yet, there will also be a db designs flag and another hulk eye. I will update the pictures as they come, so for now enjoy these:

    Nathan :)

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