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' Mart '

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Everything posted by ' Mart '

  1. Organised a ride in lincoln and "coolbeen" and "m3llon" said they would meet me at the train station for 10:30 at 11:10 nobody turns up luckyily two lads from newark arrived so i wasnt riding alone, so if they ever ask to ride with you i wouldnt bother and go riding your self you wont get let down then waste of space! rant over!
  2. ian u got msn add me p1ck_mart@hotmail.co.uk ill give you my mob number and we can meet u and david it aint no trouble
  3. Here is My Monty When i Got it pretty basic spec And Now it has eno, monty isis Cranks, fsa IsIs Bottom Bracket, Onza Hog Rear Rim On Echo Fixed Hub all in black, plus montyx-lite forks and front disk soon to be put on Link To Photo Bucket For More Pictures
  4. yeah im leaving at 9:50 from newark so ill be at train station just after 10:30 hopefully sould be kool day ill wait at train station if no one is there when i get there cnt wait to put this new wheel through its paces c you 2moz
  5. well i got my eno cranks and new rear wheel so i can be there from around 10:30 cause mum and dad are going out now so gotta be there sooner, if you wanna meet me at train station around then thats kool or ill ride on my billy for a bit then meet u guys l8a's if you see me around shout martin, ill be the one on the monty
  6. hey, well i can get to lincoln for around 11:30 so sould we say out side train station for around 11:30 ish, near the car park ?? that ok for everyone if my wheel doesnt come ian ill phone david cheeers
  7. yo ian will david be with you could be a good ride then i cant say as of yet but if my new wheel comes tomorrow ill either post a time or ring you got your number, maybe still be riding in lincoln after all,
  8. so who is coming now i need a list asap dont wanna waste a travel time if no one is coming will be pointless
  9. i guess thats either david or ian, your welcome to come it will be kool, dunno if id be able to take you or not though only got small car, sorry The Ride Is Now Sunday 28Th Ignore The Topic Title Cheers
  10. but anything can be better then spending cash on a bmx to try and ride trials on just sounds stupid to me lol. get the mission ride on it earn cash sell it and buy something better
  11. yeah come down i think my mum is bringing me in the car so sould be there for around 11:30 ish and catch train back at 5 ish so im there most of day as long as my parts arrive hopefully see you all there the more the better cheers
  12. dude i need you to sign online asap please dude cheers
  13. hey, Welcome To The Forum Enjoy Your Stay As for swapping the bmx for a misson why not then save a little sell the mission and get maybe a t-pro second hand there are always a few decent/upgraded one for sale in the for sale section hope ive helped cheers
  14. come on dude if you get the parts surely you sould be at least be able to ride for a while wht parts do you need and wat have you ordered? cheers
  15. she shook her head at porn comment lol, im gonna make her come out riding more often if ill learn that easy
  16. if all my parts arrive on time i can definatly ride sunday in lincoln cheers
  17. what about this sunday trains dont run very well but my mum might be able to drop me off in car with the monty its only small lol, is sunday ok for everyone sorry to be a pain in the arse about all this sorry
  18. well i myt be able to still make this sat if the post is on time, doubt id be able to make next saturday sorry
  19. i think im gonna take her riding more often if she picks up on small details that quickly my riding will get so much better if im forced and slapped around lol and she does tend to take alot in, but thats off topic lol
  20. Decided i wanted to go for a ride so dragged along my very reluctant girlfriend, we only went to a little spot close to my house, but was cold and she didnt looked pleased started off well then i tryed sidehopping and didnt quite get it right lol, and then she says "Thats not how they do it in them videos you make me watch". and she told me what i was doing wrong and slapped me about abit, now i can side hop better, any of you lot been told that your doing it wrong by your girlfriends and learnt it quicker through being beat up and forced? lol
  21. might be alittle rain check my front freewheel has just gave up so i might not be able to make it hopefully if "thechai" sends me his monty cranks in time i sould still be able to go, i hope sorry,
  22. no body else want to tag along who is coming so far then Me Coolbeen ???
  23. where about you thinking of riding give me enough info and ill see if i can make it
  24. the rocks and gap at hovel (malt factory) arnt to bad newark isnt that good but your all welcome to come and find out for yourself's sometime would be cool any one else up for lincoln on saturday see link Lincoln Ride All Welcome cheers
  25. is there a link for fresh products i cant seem to find a web address any where cheers
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