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' Mart '

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Everything posted by ' Mart '

  1. hey, welcome to the forum, enjoy your stay im sure you will get plenty of infomation on how to improve and get better good catch on the t-master nice bikes, i got my monty off ebay (link in my sig) good luck with everything and have fun!!!
  2. agree with josh about that the only thing i dont like about standard ones are the stem length if it had a longer stem it would so much nicer, but i still enjoy riding on josh's when he lets me
  3. hey, nice vid riding was nice how long have you been riding, nice bike aswell cheers
  4. it can be done i did it with my old t-bird, if you strip all the evo mounts down to just the clamps and then turn them upsdie down and use the left on the right and the right on the left the sides become parrell to the wheel and you can mount them like that. altho i woudlt recommend it as 4-bolt mounts are only £15 on tarty and you would just waste away the threads in the frame and why would you want to ruin an echo frame or any other frame for that matter BUY 4 BOLT MOUNTS AND DONT BE CHEAP
  5. yeah they are sport type shoes "nike total 90" but there really comfy and hold my ankles quite well, and give a fair bit of support when i fall off i used to ride on skate shoes and i dont no i think i prefer the "nikes" thanks for the advice though cheers
  6. hey finally just sorted my first video of me out, i made with one with me and few other people but this is first of just me, edited using windows movie maker so nothing special My First Solo Video Tell me what you think to the editing and the riding and how you think i can improve, cheers and thanks for watching
  7. i didnt ask if you liked it or if you thought it was pretty i asked if you have any more information on where to get one, so shut up,
  8. the tensioner looks shit hot ill send them an email and see if they can help me the frame looks amazing i only found it due to a post in member chat but wanted more info cheers edit: ive emailed him now to see if he can help me out cheers
  9. Does Any body have any more information on this frame like where to get one from in the uk or anything like that really intrested in one but cannot find anything on the net cheers http://v-fototar3.uw.hu/TRIAL/MAGELLAN_20/page_01.htm
  10. yeah but mellon you never turn up to ride so how would you no where there riding, im up for riding spalding soon anybody else?
  11. na dude it isnt mine its off another post in "NMC" but its definatly a mess and yes you can snap a t-pro lol
  12. he would be very wrong A Very Broken T-Pro that may answer your question
  13. sounds kool will need to find out how long it will take me to get there and im not able to ride till for another 2 weeks and only on a sunday, would a sunday be kool for you benny?
  14. hey , i live in newark bout 15 mins from lincoln in car so if you wanna organise a ride soon post up dude ill tg along
  15. it works but is nothing special, im after a disk and gonna sell the hs33 or swap for a hydralic disk soon so wont be running maggy's after tht, and to be truthly i was only test fitting the rim but i liked the way it looked so kept it on lol, cheers
  16. My Monty Has Been UpDated New Monty X-lite Forks, Thanks To "Trialsinchris" New Cranks, Bottom Bracket And ENO, Thanks To "TheChai" New Rear Wheel (Onza Hog Rim On Echo Fixed Hub), Thanks To "Benny" New Front Wheel, Thanks To "MonkeyseeMonkeyDo , For All Pics See The Monty Cheers All Comments Welcome, Just Looking For A Front Disk to get rid of the hs33 now, Cheers
  17. i had same problem about the earphones so bought some that hook on my ear, i tend to listen to prodigy that gets me hyp'd up and i ride like a mad man but the kooks naive and stuff loike that helps me ride if im not in the mood tend not to listen to music to often though as its rude when riding with other people and i hate carrying my mp3 player in my pocket
  18. i sould be able to change it now, this post is number 100
  19. that adamant looks so nice with the stickers like that, i wanted an A2 when i wanted to go to 26" but decided to stay with 20" instead
  20. get an eno i just get one and the noise is amazing just riding along it seems amazing and i feel so much more confident in it aswell so im tryin bigger things aswell GET AN ENO!
  21. The Riding And The Feeling you get from it The Bikes (mainly old school monty's ) The People Most Are Kool The Access To A Good Forum Giving Access To Helpfull Information The Fun i have while improving my skills
  22. friend off mine got tricks and stunts on video watched that bought a gt and learnt to bunny hop and now im riding my monty and loving it
  23. just about everywhere you look up there is a camera watching you, i think lincoln is very anti-trials
  24. the back wheel rocks cheers benny holding up strong, altho the snail cams are a tad annoying lol, rides nice and with the sound of an eno up front it make life easy, thanks again benny
  25. i didnt get a reason havnt spoke to them, was a shame could of been a good ride aswell
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