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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. Chris King for sure!! If you have the money that is.. Otherwise I'd go for Hope as well.
  2. I have put some bricks together and made a custom obstacle, just need some cement and bricks and you can go mad Be sure to enforce it otherwise it will fall apart lol... Happened to me once.
  3. I can't see the pictures.. 404 Not Found
  4. I would say a color that fits red, like a really deep purple or just plain black...
  5. Well, I heard things of water leaking through.. You could use some "maizena" *that's what it's called in Dutch, I don't know if it's the same in English*. Maizena is a powder and if you mix a bit up with water the water becomes a bit thicker in density.. I've tried it once, works fine... Just been in it for 3 weeks, no problems YET. I'm not telling you it will work but it works fine for me to this point.
  6. Good video, nice riding and nicely editted! I guess for music you should try some quicker rock with less singing.. ~Hessel
  7. Looks like a nice bike, though I would buy a new chain if I we're you, this one looks rusty.. Might snap or even damage your sprockets.
  8. My fingers don't hurt that much after riding, but my right wrist does kill me afterwards.. I do get blisters in between my index finger and thumb sometimes.. I guess those gel inserts will help you.
  9. These brakes, there's only a 1000 made? Or are there only a 1000 GREEN ones made? I'm confused..
  10. Come on! Be nice to the guy! He's trying to help the newbies like me! I appreciate you trying to help me, I've looked up Trashzen.com too but the fact that you're trying to help is a nice thought! ~Hessel
  11. You can also download an XviD plugin for WMP as I have, works fine here. I have no download link but you can try google'ing it. Pretty damn nice vid there! I love some of the spin-offs there.. And the hooker getting hopped over ofcourse hehe!
  12. Cheer up! It doesn't matter you're proud of your bike and I appreciate the apoligy. You didn't annoy me by posting this thread or any thread, I'm just sitting here being jealous of your bike! ~Hessel
  13. Wow, sounds pretty harsh indeed! If I we're you I'd start doing drops again from low to higher..
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