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Everything posted by B.E.A.U

  1. why did that make me laugh sooo much lol. You have funny holes in your ears, mommy why does he have them and long hair lol.
  2. dont know wall looks high but sidable with no pallets
  3. You dropped that lush bike how dare you im taking off 20 man points for that but ill give you 5 for that mint brake and i like that style
  4. pissed off ill. Just trid putting old pads on bike to find out i thread the thread in the frame . Ill as f**k throat swole to the max like mnike max airs lol. Waiting for an indian im going to struggle to eat
  5. B.E.A.U


    how does that work also yes when you leave the teacher could batter you and say hes not at this school lol. I was only playing btw lol
  6. B.E.A.U


    Then get knocked the f**k out when you leave lol. would be that much put t so the ysee if from a distance lol. Good prank imo. Do viagra one that sounded good. Ill think of some soon
  7. B.E.A.U


    Me and my mate not a prank well was kinda. Put magnesium into the liquid that makes it bright and firey And knocked it over burnt the floor in the new 1.5 million pound science lab set alarms off ended up everyone on the fierld lol. Didnt mean that was meant to ruin the teachers showing off experiment lol. Good days. You could always cling film the toilets? you could get a fake person dummy type thing. Make it look like someone you hated or something. And hang it from rope somewhere so it looks well you know
  8. B.E.A.U


    omfg them last 2. i love your ideas lol
  9. f**k that do it tomoz ill go tomoz
  10. i can go but is anything there worth filming
  11. get koxx blues or phat pads grind the f**k out your rim and set your brake up good and your there
  12. Well either a new program that is easy and good to use that someone may use or if anyone can find the crack code to ulead 11 sorry about that
  13. why did i know something like that would come up. Dont be a twat ot was one person i dent mug him he has the headset now. willy now can i have a sensible answer
  14. I use to have ulead video studio 9 and i got the crack for it off someone so i didnt have to pay because it was a bomb and etc. Basically got it illegally. Anyways i had it and thats what i made vids on and loved it. Now i have had my comp wiped and i got ulead 11 but i cant get the crak or anything to make it work so i had a 30 day free trials then i need a code ad i cant find it. Does anyone know how to get it or any other program that is good to download or anything I want to start my new vid but have no stuff to make it sooooooooo? Ideas
  15. ow dear ide hate to think what you will think of my hub lol. How did you fall off there lol was you looking at something else. I want your rear brake
  16. You have got alot better since last time. Your style is getting more loose. But those pads have nothing to my front v lol like the vid though
  17. B.E.A.U

    Joachim Zoo! 3

    wtf its ollie where you been man thought you was dead come down cafe tonight. Im not sure what to make of that vid. riding was good but you put your foot down in alot of clips shud of just re done it without doing that. and i think you changed your clothes once in that vid i swear eminem said he wants his trousers back lol but nah was nice riding mate
  18. B.E.A.U


    I love them 2 there amazing great guys to. How the hell did you film that im guessing cams on the bike etc that was well and truely sick
  19. f**k you then if my zoo is not good enough hahaha i see all my other parts still on there lol lush mte looking sick
  20. f**k me thats mint how much was it
  21. is it this sat coming 22nd if so i think iwill come
  22. thats was just out of this world that was so good. Now i feel shit lol
  23. havent you ridden it like 4 times. hell yes ill ride cov
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