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Upgradng My Pc For Better Gaming, What To Buy?


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You big swweaty bellend, you can't play first person shooter with a control pad thats just gay.

Of course you can, it just means that whenever you see someone that you want to shoot, you stop move the cursor with the stupid anologue stick, go past the target, move it back a bit, go too far again, and maybe sometimes in the next half a hour you will be on target. Either that or your already dead. Utter shite.

Thanks for the info boys, general concensus seems to be new gfx card so ill go for that. Will any PCI express card work with my current hardware?

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I think the 6800gt's could be unlocked to ultras and the 6200's could be flashed to 6600's but i havn't a clue about the LE versions, aside from it being slower.

up to a point that's doable but the ultras tend to have faster memory chips etc so it's not just a case of unblocking a couple of pixel pipes and you've magically got yourself an ultra - it'll improve matters for sure but you're not going to get the same grunt unless all the hardware on the board is identical.

pretty much any PCI - E card should work on your hardware - I'd guess you have the same chipset as mine being a 939 (ive got a gigabyte k8nxp SLI board if that helps) the only thing I can't do is run 2 dual core cards on it (ie 4x SLI)

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up to a point that's doable but the ultras tend to have faster memory chips etc so it's not just a case of unblocking a couple of pixel pipes and you've magically got yourself an ultra - it'll improve matters for sure but you're not going to get the same grunt unless all the hardware on the board is identical.

I'm pretty sure the 6800 LE is just that - an underclocked GT with some pipelines disabled (and perhaps different cooling). Hence a firmware flash and it actually does become a GT. I think - it's been a while since I was a geek. But this isn't really the point as he's got a 6600.

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I'm almost certain your board will be 939 which means you're limited to 4200+.

I have 939 and a 4400+ processor

1gb of ram

6800GT graphics card.

Runs games sweet as, and i have most of the stuff on high aswell.

Card and ram are well over 18 months old and not noticed any changes or out.

For gaming aswell, cant beat an aftermarket soundcard, like a creative fatality :)

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