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Looking For 24" Trial Frame

Henrik Y

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a 24" aswell, isnt the typhoon that i sent you yesterday enough? ;)

Jaha så du är också här. Kul!

I've been thinking about painting the typhoon. My brother is a carpainter so I have learned a bit from him. I've been thinking about a black base with marblazed copper metalic on that and may be some gray metalic tribals.

I tried to build a bike that I could ride trial with and also do some street riding, my shorter crescent frame didn't work so well. And my friend recently bought a long ZOO bike and when I tried that one I felt that I need a plain trial bike. So I guess that a 24" bike would be better for street trial.

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Jaha så du är också här. Kul!

I've been thinking about painting the typhoon. My brother is a carpainter so I have learned a bit from him. I've been thinking about a black base with marblazed copper metalic on that and may be some gray metalic tribals.

I tried to build a bike that I could ride trial with and also do some street riding, my shorter crescent frame didn't work so well. And my friend recently bought a long ZOO bike and when I tried that one I felt that I need a plain trial bike. So I guess that a 24" bike would be better for street trial.

Japps här är jag, det är sjukt vad jag packade in grejerna, har nog aldrig sett så mycket bubbel å vanlig plast i hela mitt liv.

När jag fick typhoonen (köpte den have en kille som hade rullat typ 100 meter på den å bestämde sig för att han ville köra bmx istället) så hade han målat den blå, så jag strippade den, men den går nog att få riktigt snygg med den rätta utrustningen. (det enda jag har gjort är att spraya mina initialer framme på styrröret;)

Yeah the typhoon works very well for plain trials, and its in really good condition, hope that you will be pleased with it.

If you want a 26" instead the 24sevens is really cheap now, i bought one myself now. got it for 99 pounds, with fork, bb, frame and headset, insane.


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