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Xbox Question And New Game Question


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And to save me making a new thread i may aswell ask In here aswell since its related to this topic, What are peoples views, Im not sure wether to get timeshift, assasins creed orrrr call of duty 4?

Thinking of getting an xbox 360 for xmas, and I think il get the premium as the elite is just better looking (being black n all) and has that beast of a hard drive... (i think those are the only differences ... right?) Thing is I could do with an opinion firstly on wether or not the 20GB on the premium is enough for online gaming and all other things the console offers?

Also is there any other reason to get the elite?

Swear I had another question... il edit if i think of it.


Edited by tom132
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Cos its black

LOL, whats the memory actually for anyways? Oooo yea i remember now, is it possible to expand the memory later on? with an external harddrive or sonthing if i did for whatever reason need it?

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Cant expend, only replace. Hard Disk space is for storing your content, game saves, music, video, and soon to be games. But I say 20gb will be fine.

Yea, but I mean it says the harddrive is detachable right, so could I buy a 120gb harddrive seperatly if i needed? and attach it to the premium?

Its a big deal really because im getting it for xmas, want to order in the next coupla days, thing is 1 there are some amazing deals on the premium I.E THIS

BUT for 50quid more I can get an elite, thing is though, no games or extra controller, I just dont want to run out of memory, and id imagine if i download games thatl take up a fair bit? Or is it just crappy games you can download? ORRRR are they games you will also be able to buy on a disk? ahhhhh choosing a games console shouldnt bee this hard!

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Don't get assassin's creed, like people say no replay value gets very samey very quick as well, looks impressive and stuff but rent it sometime instead.

As people have said may as well get the Premium the other stuff isn't really required by many people and theres some good deals on them, any bundle you see with Forza, Viva Piñata and an Extra pad is because there all in one box, the Forza and Viva are in the same case and the pad's in the box with them. That and the premium is £249.99 in GAME so basically your paying £30 for Halo 3 there, which is fine if thats the game you want aswell.

I've been playing Timeshift all yesterday and I think its pretty underrated, probably due to the timing of its release with COD4, Halo 3, and The Orange Box all being released in the same time frame, but its definitely alot of fun to play through and with the time functions theres quite alot of thinking involved for a shooter, the style is somewhere around Half Life 2 settings probably, really good game I think. Call of Duty 4 is very very highly rated though like 9.5's and stuff but the story mode is short since the game is probably more designed for on-line play like Halo 3. Most people will probably pick COD4 over Timeshift, but Timeshift is worth a look-in too.


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Don't get assassin's creed, like people say no replay value gets very samey very quick as well, looks impressive and stuff but rent it sometime instead.

I'd agree with that, rent it. Its a good game but im not going to complete it again.

However it is one of the best game engines ive ever seen, the scenery is beautiful, the graphics are good and its seemless for such big maps.

Good news is it's part or a trilogy, so replay value should increase.

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will they ever bring out a mouse and button pad/keyboard thingy for the 360 or could I fudge something that'll work?

I want new games, I refuse to play FPS games without a mouse (on account of them being shit without a mouse), and I want to spend my PC budget on a decent 3d graphics machine which basically means no SLI and therefore no shiny new games.

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dont get assasins creed. im bored already. cod 4 is mint. and iv only played the timeshift demo which i thought was ok. but cod 4 is a must!!! get cod 2 as well, it is also minted. DONT get cod 3!!!!

get the premium becuse if later you decide that you want a bigger hard drive you can buy the 120 gb one for about £120!!

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Right narrowed it down to these 4 really:




Gears of war

Need to choose one of them as a first game.

Il get the others later on but just need one thatl get me into it all. Pref. not really hard as I will only have just got it and havnt done the console thing in a while :)

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