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I get my ped on Saturday, will get some nice pictures up around that time (if anyone is interested in the slightest).

Putting a 70 kit on a ped isn't the wisest thing in the world to do if your still 16.

Whys that? Only way someone could prove you have it on, is take the piston out and measure it.

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yeah but it's more to do with the fact if you come off your bike going more than 30 and you cause a lot of damage, your insurance company will rip it apart to see if you'd modified it without declaring, if you have then your f**ked basically.

50's shouldn't be able to go above 30 if the rider is just 16, if they can then you void your insurance and therefore could end up in a bit of bother which you don't really want.

it might be worth the risk, it might not . it's up to you.

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yeah but it's more to do with the fact if you come off your bike going more than 30 and you cause a lot of damage, your insurance company will rip it apart to see if you'd modified it without declaring, if you have then your f**ked basically.

50's shouldn't be able to go above 30 if the rider is just 16, if they can then you void your insurance and therefore could end up in a bit of bother which you don't really want.

it might be worth the risk, it might not . it's up to you.

Well to be honest, most people get TPO or TPF&T insurance, which means your not going to have your bike fixed anyway, so you may as well not involve the insurance company with your bike as they wont be fixing it.

Well cheers for including me (one of the 1st to get one on here, after MR Sheehan) :(

:D its up for sale soon though :( will be getting a 125 though :D :D

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Yea Gavyn got it, if your insurance finds out then you wouldn't get jack squat.

Might as well be legit about it, otherwise in the super unlikely event you are caught, that could be the biggest blow of all.

I was worried when I applied for my provisional, as I had to declare a head injury, but I guess since I haven't had any effects from it they allowed me to be on the road (eventually).

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Well to be honest, most people get TPO or TPF&T insurance, which means your not going to have your bike fixed anyway, so you may as well not involve the insurance company with your bike as they wont be fixing it.

:D its up for sale soon though :( will be getting a 125 though :D :D

yeah but you could hit a 100k worth of car and write it off. for me it's not/wasn't worth the risk, for you it probably is. mind you if it was up to me, I'd ban motorbikes under 250 cc and above 600 and only let people learn to ride them from 25 onwards.

I say that, but I'm about to get a 125 for getting to college on haha

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