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Half-link Chains


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Surely this would eradicate the need for a tensioner?

But are these chains strong?

Half link chains will half the maximum amount of slack in the chain but will almost certainly leave the chain a lot less tensioned than if you're using a tensioner.

The bends in the side plates of half link chains (Needed so that one end of the link will fit outside the end of the next link) probably will lead to the chain being springier and more prone to snapping. If you join it carefully and are not already snapping standard chains you're probably fine though. From what I've read on this forum every chain is crap and snaps in minutes before getting full of stiff links while at the same time every chain will also last the rest of your life and never break, so you'll have to base it on how quickly you've worn out/broken your previous chains...

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From what I've read on this forum every chain is crap and snaps in minutes before getting full of stiff links while at the same time every chain will also last the rest of your life and never break

This is so so true. And made me smile :).

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Hey Rob

There have been previous threads on this topic. At first it would seem that a half link chain is a good idea and does eliminate a lot of the tensioning problems. However, a trials-forum boffin illustrated that they are weaker and are not suitable for trials. I know a few riders who have used them, but return to normal chains after a short period of time.

If you want a strong chain get a KHE (but does get stiff links), if not get a KMC (I've never had a prob with them).

If you are trying to avoid the problem of tensioning, tighten up your bolts and use snail cams. You'll have to keep doing it as they move, but i'd rather have a stronger chain and do the odd adjustment.

Best of luck.

Neil (Y)

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Hey Rob

There have been previous threads on this topic. At first it would seem that a half link chain is a good idea and does eliminate a lot of the tensioning problems. However, a trials-forum boffin illustrated that they are weaker and are not suitable for trials. I know a few riders who have used them, but return to normal chains after a short period of time.

If you want a strong chain get a KHE (but does get stiff links), if not get a KMC (I've never had a prob with them).

If you are trying to avoid the problem of tensioning, tighten up your bolts and use snail cams. You'll have to keep doing it as they move, but i'd rather have a stronger chain and do the odd adjustment.

Best of luck.

Neil (Y)

I ride stock matey :P

thanks anyway


Edited by echo_rob
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I'd go with this: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?pr...p;category_id=7 combined with this: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?pr...;category_id=48 if you're worried about the derailleur hanger or this: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?pr...;category_id=48 if cash is an issue.

Currently I run this fixed rear hub - http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?pr...;category_id=21, so I don't need a separate tensioner. I've got a KMC 710 chain and it's been perfect so far (6 months nearly daily use), though it's probably due replacement at this stage...

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I ride with a half link chain on my stock and have been running the same one for nearly ten months with little wear and certainly no breaks. I'm running it with a tensioner and i'm quite a heavy/sketchy rider.

If you're running a tensioner i'd always say go for the normal chain as i'm sure they've gotta be a bit lighter. Although i haven't had any problems with mine, i'm still gonna be replacing it with a standard one when the time comes. Dont really see the point unless you wanna lose the tensioner, and then there's still no garuantee that there'll be enough tension unless you've got horizontal drop-outs.

If you aint breaking normal chains, i'd stick with them.

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I ride with a half link chain on my stock and have been running the same one for nearly ten months with little wear and certainly no breaks. I'm running it with a tensioner and i'm quite a heavy/sketchy rider.

If you're running a tensioner i'd always say go for the normal chain as i'm sure they've gotta be a bit lighter. Although i haven't had any problems with mine, i'm still gonna be replacing it with a standard one when the time comes. Dont really see the point unless you wanna lose the tensioner, and then there's still no garuantee that there'll be enough tension unless you've got horizontal drop-outs.

If you aint breaking normal chains, i'd stick with them.


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Snapped one 4 times, but its had a new setof links in each time so counts as new. Either way there a pile of wank!

Eah time you put new links in it will weaken?

plus i snapped yours once haha, andi thought you did it once more on your skip where you landed on chain? this is what you told me when i snapped it doing a hop hardley kicking

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when i laanded on the chaiin on the skip i put a whole new length of links in, so that wouldnt be the problem. the problem is there a massivee pile of dig shit which should nont be used for trials if you like the way your face looks.

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when i laanded on the chaiin on the skip i put a whole new length of links in, so that wouldnt be the problem. the problem is there a massivee pile of dig shit which should nont be used for trials if you like the way your face looks.

what make of chain was it, mine was mint lasted me about year and a half so, its just luck really and how you treat it (oil,rust,stiff links).

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