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Lil Kendal Vid

Ben Lazenby

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You know those big metal things, with wheels, people sit inside them? They are called cars. If you get hit by one of them, when you mess up (like you nearly did several times in that vid) it's not going to be pretty. You have to appreciate that these people are not expecting you to come flying at them, so their reaction time is going to be pretty poor.

Sorry for sounding like a harsh w****r but we've had some tragic losses in this forum in the past few months, and Im sure no one here wants to see that list increasing. Just wait 10 seconds for the cars to go past then do your move, or find a similar location with less traffic, or go back later when the traffic eases off.

As for the riding, very huge but kind of unstylish. I'm not saying I want to see more 360s and all that, and I'm not TGS bashing before anyone gets on that bandwagon again, I'm purely saying it kind of looks like you are trying to run before you can walk. Everything seems a bit rushed and harsh, and like you could benefit from working on your smoothness, but thats just me being really picky.

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