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I'm New :s


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Hi guys, this is my first post here so hi everyone :)lol

Well I have just stopped riding dirt jump (due to my bike being stolen (bloody chavs)) and basically I have been interested in trials for a while now, a few of my friends ride and they have got me into it.

i have been looking around at some bikes and so far I think the Onza Bird seems a good bike for a beginner, anyone think this any good? And are there any tips anyone could give to a new rider? lol thanks

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buy 2nd hand, you can get some epic bargains, try to find some local trials riders, they'll help you learn and progress faster, and most of the lads on here know trials bikes like the back of thier hand they will be able to check out any 2nd hand bikes. if your keen on buying new i'd advise you stretch your budget to the onza pro it'd be well worth it, as it has a much better freewheel (unless the bird has a tensile one?) and dual disk brakes which are (in my opinion) far better than rim brakes.

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I agree. I got my first bike second hand of ebay and it was a much better option than buying it new. I did'nt like the feel of it and so bought one of my mate which i did like. Onza's a great make. Both my friends ride onza's (Y) and they say there great. So if i were you try and get one off ebay! Good luck in finding the right bike :turned:

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I haven't been riding long only about half a year, I started off with a T-bird which is basicly the same, its a good starter bike, much better than a Onza Rip, the birds are nice bikes for begginers so i would reccomend it, if you are very serious about trials them maby think about making you budget a bit bigger ?

Hope this helps


buy 2nd hand, you can get some epic bargains, try to find some local trials riders, they'll help you learn and progress faster, and most of the lads on here know trials bikes like the back of thier hand they will be able to check out any 2nd hand bikes. if your keen on buying new i'd advise you stretch your budget to the onza pro it'd be well worth it, as it has a much better freewheel (unless the bird has a tensile one?) and dual disk brakes which are (in my opinion) far better than rim brakes.

I agree, second hand is the way, I bought a second hand 24/7 Holroyd for like 200 and its aswome.

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