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Side Hop Take Off Point.

hoots man

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i am having trouble doing larger side hops. how far would you say, while on the back wheel, should the front wheel be from the wall. nearly touching or a half foot away for example. sometimes i can nail it and others not because i keep trying different methods. its getting on my tits.


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i am having trouble doing larger side hops. how far would you say, while on the back wheel, should the front wheel be from the wall. nearly touching or a half foot away for example. sometimes i can nail it and others not because i keep trying different methods. its getting on my tits.


I find with my sidehopping, When i get my front wheel too close to the wall I get cramped and end up not making it, But when i give myself a foot or so room i generally nail it, I would suggest give youself a bit of room and see how it works, just experiment and see whats best for you.

Dont just try something once, for example if you dont nail it try somthing else! Make sure you try a certain way for a while so you can give it a chance.

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Lets define some things first :P

If you sidehop too close, thats fine for low stuff because your bars are going to be OVER the wall, even at compression. But as you go bigger, you'll be too close and your bars will hit/squash you fingers etc. :P So you need to be over half bar width away from the wall

That said, usually the closer you are the better, but again, as the wall height goes up, you need to start further away, because you're travelling for longer which means you need to clear the wall for a longer time :P

Its all trial and error really, and what feels comfortable to you. As Mr Vandart suggested pointing your front wheel at the wall is pretty helpful, not too much though, its still a sidehop :P

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What the guy above has said is very true, Ive squished my fingers once or twice because of being too close to the wall. Its really not a good feeling.

What i do when im sidehopping though is, Have the front wheel close to the wall when setting up and the back wheel quite far. Then when i go to acctully sidehop, I pull my front wheel away from the wall and hop in a little closer with my back. Helps a shit load with the momentum and stuff.

Watch some videos or other riders. Ive seen quite a few riders doing this and it really does work.

Edited by Echo-Scott
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