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Drilled Rhyno Lite


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Today I decided to drill my front Rhyno lite rim and I think it came out pretty well.

The holes are 12.7mm because 1/2" was the largest bit I had on hand. I just used a power drill and a round chain-saw file to clean up the holes afterwards.

The rim is laced to a shimano deore XT hub and weighed about 1180g beforehand.

Afterwards it was +/- 1120g

60-70g isn't bad and I could easily take off another 50g with a 20mm bit.

It is by no means super light but I am happy with it being my first try at drilling anything on my bike.

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Looks good, I did mine too, What a pain!

I take it you done a pilot hole then used the bigger bit?

By far the most bored I was in a while, i had to get the I-pod on the go lol

I only did a 10mm hole or something like that, Was the biggest bit I had at the time.

And someone correct me if I'm wrong but i wouldnt drill too close to the walls, It'll probably make the rim silly weak. There's only so much you can drill out!

Good to see you missed the weld out too!

Edited by l33th3tr33
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Thanks everyone,

I used a punch and hammer like indiana trials and just used my 1/2" bit, It has a smaller bit on the tip to make a pilot hole.

I spent a good 3 hours working on it so I probably wont drill them bigger. If I had the choice I'd do it before the rim was laced to a hub so I could use a drill press or drill them from the inside out for a cleaner hole on the outside.

I agree you shouldn't go too close to the side walls but I think I could go another 6-8mm and be safe.

Its a fun project if you want to improve your bike without spending anything, and it gives it that nice trialsy look. ;)

Edited by Bliv
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