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marcus heath

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Split link can be the weakest point in the chain, generally because if it gets knocked it's prone to blow out pretty quick. I would use one on a mtb or road bike etc. but never on anything like a bmx or trials bike due to knocking, which is highly lightly.

It's also best to break and join a chain once only and mark where you've broke and joined it, just so you can keep an eye on that spot because it will be the weakest spot on the chain. When you join a chain the mushroom pin head gets damaged. A friend was saying a while back that you can get chain breakers that actually punch* the pin back into a full mushroom head. But these are mega bucks, not actually looked though. *not the right word but can't think of it right now :P

So it's probably best you invest in a half decent chain breaker, then break and join the chain carefully. Joining a chain quickly often messes it up even more.

I don't know if the WIKI has a chain breaking section, but worth a look nonetheless.



There is a chain thread in the WIKI. No offence to the writer, but it really needs updating.

Edited by eskimo
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I actually see no point in a split link, apart from people to rob your chain?

If the chain snaps, you cant just bang a split link in there.

Just carry a chain de-linker with you at all times.

Hmm, well I always run split links because there's loads of times when I need to split my chain. Eg, everytime you take your wheel out.

And mines never snapped on me and my chain is about 4 months old.

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