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Anyone Do Unicycle Trials Aswell?


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I have one :D

Think im gunna sell it though (N)

How much? pm me

I defiantly want to give it a go, even just for fun in the garden when i cant be bothered to go out on the bike

Can do it a bit on a normal unicycle. My ex got one while she was doing a circus course in Sheffield.

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I used to do Uni trials. It's harder and easier than biketrials. Harder mainly in the sense... well, no hand brakes, since it's a fixed wheel and your feet are effectively the brakes... so things like rail gaps and riding on natural can be really really dangerous and tricky... you need incredible leg strength and lock.

Easier in the sense.... sidehops, gaps, techniques are all so much so much simpler. Once you wrap your head around basic hopping and riding... which usually can happen on the very first day if you're a competent trials rider already.

I don't know any records as of right now anymore, but from what I last saw, Joe sent me a vid of him sidehopping 53" to tyre on his uni on some skip in London. That was a long while ago, before summer?

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I got into bike trials through uni riding. Rode uni trials "seriously" from about 14 until 17. At my best I was riding some handrails, 36-38" sidehops, 5-6' gaps. I stopped when I left for college, as there aren't any good trials lines on campus. I still ride downhill on a unicycle. It's more similar to trials biking than downhill. The emphasis is on steep and technical, not fast.

I decided to start bike trials because it's much more elegant and the moves are smoother. Unicycle trials is basically riding a pogo stick, especially since almost nobody does uni trials on 26" wheels; everyone rides mod, which seems like a joke. I ride the same 24x3" with an HS-33 for downhill, XC and trials these days. More fun that way.

Uni trials is easier in some ways, and harder in others. Big moves are harder to develop on a unicycle, but precise moves are easier. There are also much fewer basic skills for trials (rolling hop, basic hop, seat in front hop, rolling seat in front hop, still stand, and pedalgrab). Still stands (the unicycle equivalent to track stands) are much, much harder, but skinnies (especially curved ones) are dramatically easier on a unicycle than on a bike (no rear wheel to worry about).

Last I checked, the record sidehop to rubber on a unicycle is ~133cm (52"). To pedal, add ~6-8".

Edited by Mod-out
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