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Gu Le Dual Disc


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If it was my money i would get the rockman manus but thats just me.

The only thing is i have no idea how long it would last as its only been out for a short time, enyway thats just my opinion.

Oh one last thing i think the manus is more of a natty bike but Kerian Whitefield seems to ride it really well for street. ;)

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If it was my money i would get the rockman manus but thats just me. And me ;)

The only thing is i have no idea how long it would last as its only been out for a short time, enyway thats just my opinion.

Oh one last thing i think the manus is more of a natty bike but Kerian Whitefield seems to ride it really well for street. ;)

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I would very much recommend one of the rockman frames, they all have good geometrys and as you can guess I am very pleased with mine. I am not so keen on the gu les as they don't seem to me that they have a good geo and seem a bit mixed up.

It depends very much on your past experiences too of what you have had, tried and liked from them. Your best bet if you are buying a full build is to give tarty a ring and get some advice on the perfect suitable build for you. They really are a helpful bunch and know their stuff. You are better to have a custom build yourself that is suited to you rather than one from your list which might not entirely suit you.

What are your past experiences of bikes and what things you would like on your new bike?

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well my past bikes list just contains 2 onzas, but i wanted to move on from them and try something else.

also when you mention custom building, i am going to change up a few things to satisfy my love of brightness :D

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I personally would choose a rockman frame purely because the lab rat (keirran whitefeild) ride it lol, He makes everything look good and pulls it off perfectly i just don't like the idea of 1 sided braking don't think that part would suit me.

I'm sure you'll choose something your going to like to ride.

Keep to the rules go big or go home ...

Happy riding buddy goodluck.

Onza wannabe. :)

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