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Trials + Forestry Commission


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I bought an XC bike about 6months ago and since then I've been to quite a few trail centers around the UK. Places like Thetford Forest, Cannock Chase, Sheerwood Forest, Lee Mill Quarry, Chicksands. the best was in Scotland when I went to Ae, Mabie and Dalbeattie which are part of the 7 Stanes mountain biking trails run by the forestry commission. All of these places have some great riding and a lot of time and money has been spent building and maintaining these trails. I guess many of you have XC/DH or other mountain bikes and have gone to places like these all over the country so know what im talking about.

I think it would be great to get a few trials parks set up at some of these places, after all many of these have dirt jump and freeride areas, downhill tracks, places with drops to ride off and narrow balance beams etc. So why not trials!?

I've seen the trials park at Lee Mill Quarry, looks great, anyone know how much it cost to set up, who designed it etc? Something similar at some of these trail centers would be ace, im sick of riding on stuff your not allowed on, people telling you to move along and chavs asking you to "do a wheelie mate".

Im sure it would benefit these places aswell, surely more customers and more money for them in the long run? And think of the very small area that would be needed to make a decent set up compared to an XC/DH route. Also most of these trail centers have build days where the trails are maintained and new features added/improved by volunteers, we could do the same surely.

What do you guys think? I reckon a few of us should send an email or letter to the Forestry Commission or who ever is in charge, lets make something happen! Or has this been done a few times in the past with no results??

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Hi Rich

My Dad works for lancashire county council and work on the lee mill project for a bit and is now trying to put some in Gisburn forest which has just had a red put through which is great. But as you know as we are in a recession so the budget for any major projects is really low my dads budget for this month shrunk by 75% so its not the time at the moment but if you are local to my area bob in and ride my trials area i wouldn't mind people coming over as long as the help do a little building and helping move and change it every now and agian.

By the way i love the idea just not the time at the moment

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It would be awesome, almost everytime I go on the trails there are piles of logs here and there which make me wish I'd have brought the trials bike along. It might take a lot of effort to move and arrange stuff like this into an easily accessible area but most places I've been certainly have the materials to hand.

I imagine they'd only take a few well positioned large obstacles to start too, over time I'm sure riders would bring along pallets and other bits and bobs to add to them.

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i reckon this is a great idea ! but i think it would be hard to convince the forestry commision :/

Not really stops you messing up the routes if you know what I mean the forestry commission at my local wood are well up for it the just don't have the cash

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yeah would be hard to convince the forestry commision. the best thing to do really is go to your local trail centre and find some natty sections of piste. The Ae, Mabie and dalbeattie 7 stanes centres are very close to where i live and they all have small trialsy sections off the main trail although ive never ridden them on the trials bike. Ive only ever seen one guy and his mate on trials bikes at mabie, they said they went to a good section just off the Dark Side, so i may go check it out soon, although i might feel a bit daft turning up to the centre on a trials bike :P

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I bought an XC bike about 6months ago and since then I've been to quite a few trail centers around the UK. Places like Thetford Forest, Cannock Chase, Sheerwood Forest, Lee Mill Quarry, Chicksands. the best was in Scotland when I went to Ae, Mabie and Dalbeattie which are part of the 7 Stanes mountain biking trails run by the forestry commission. All of these places have some great riding and a lot of time and money has been spent building and maintaining these trails. I guess many of you have XC/DH or other mountain bikes and have gone to places like these all over the country so know what im talking about.

I think it would be great to get a few trials parks set up at some of these places, after all many of these have dirt jump and freeride areas, downhill tracks, places with drops to ride off and narrow balance beams etc. So why not trials!?

I've seen the trials park at Lee Mill Quarry, looks great, anyone know how much it cost to set up, who designed it etc? Something similar at some of these trail centers would be ace, im sick of riding on stuff your not allowed on, people telling you to move along and chavs asking you to "do a wheelie mate".

Im sure it would benefit these places aswell, surely more customers and more money for them in the long run? And think of the very small area that would be needed to make a decent set up compared to an XC/DH route. Also most of these trail centers have build days where the trails are maintained and new features added/improved by volunteers, we could do the same surely.

What do you guys think? I reckon a few of us should send an email or letter to the Forestry Commission or who ever is in charge, lets make something happen! Or has this been done a few times in the past with no results??

This afternoon I phoned the local council and asked them if a bikrtrials area would be feasable in Brechfa Forest (in Carmarthenshire,West Wales) and they said "we'll get back to you...". I think a petition would help this roll on a little quicker.People already travel from all over the country to ride Brechfa's Downhill and cross country runs and they always come back.There also two family friendly routes at Brechfa so it would also be a great way for the public to see biketrials in a more natural and positive way as opposed to us noisy,squeeky twats getting in the way on the street.I'm not sure how to set up a poll/petition on the forum but i'm sure if enough of you respond to this thread positively it would be a good indication of whether it's worth the council making the effort.If somebody know how to set up a poll would you let me know....

Nick (wwbt)

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My Dad works for lancashire county council and work on the lee mill project for a bit and is now trying to put some in Gisburn forest which has just had a red put through which is great. But as you know as we are in a recession so the budget for any major projects is really low my dads budget for this month shrunk by 75% so its not the time at the moment but if you are local to my area bob in and ride my trials area i wouldn't mind people coming over as long as the help do a little building and helping move and change it every now and agian.

By the way i love the idea just not the time at the moment

Hey thanks for the reply, i live in peterborough so its a bit far to come to ride your trials area, thanks anyway though! Yeah I guess the main obstacle is the budget to fund any new projects.

This afternoon I phoned the local council and asked them if a bikrtrials area would be feasable in Brechfa Forest (in Carmarthenshire,West Wales) and they said "we'll get back to you...". I think a petition would help this roll on a little quicker.People already travel from all over the country to ride Brechfa's Downhill and cross country runs and they always come back.There also two family friendly routes at Brechfa so it would also be a great way for the public to see biketrials in a more natural and positive way as opposed to us noisy,squeeky twats getting in the way on the street.I'm not sure how to set up a poll/petition on the forum but i'm sure if enough of you respond to this thread positively it would be a good indication of whether it's worth the council making the effort.If somebody know how to set up a poll would you let me know....

Nice one phoning them up, I think ill send an email/letter to the forestry commission and see what they say. Anyone else want to as well?

Yeah it would be ace to have a trials area at some of the trail centers and if its good im sure it would attract lots of riders. I guess one of the best things about trials is that you can ride it more or less anywhere, but im sure the council etc doesn't appreciate us riding on walls/benches etc!

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