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New To Trials


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hi im new to trials and i mean really new i have never owned or riden a trials bike but everyone has to start somewhere, just looking for some help,

im after getting a bike but have no idea what size to go for and i dont want to spend silly money on my first bike incase i dont enjoy riding and also because i know things are going to get broken or bashed, so i was just wondering what people could recommend,

cheers karl

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Best thing to do is wait until you get validated and take a look in the For Sale section on Full Members.

Also, take a look at some Mod/Stock comparison things, to work out which you'd prefer, and you could take a look at some Mod videos and some Stock videos, to see which you could see yourself liking more.

EDIT: Ebay's got a fair few trial bikes

Edited by Ninja Manatee
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cheers mate, ive been watchin a lot of videos and looking at alot of bikes, dont think i like the look of a 26" it looks too big but would like 20" or 24" just looking really at what people coud recommend as a first bike , price wise and quallity for money

cheers, karl

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I'm 5"8', and I ride stock, I just prefer them over mods as I think mods look really small and poxy :P

A lot of the choosing is down to personal preference though, so it just depends on what works for you, if you can get down to a local bike shop which happens to sell trial bikes, you should definitely go and try some out, to get a general feel for each bike and see which feels the most right.

If you're going for a mod, a lot of people use Onza T-Pros as starter bikes, pretty much anything by Onza is decent for a starter mod, Rips, Birds, Blades Comps, it just depends on how much you've got to spend.

You should be able to get a full build t-pro for about 160 second hand, have a scour of eBay, and wait until you get validated to check out the For Sale sections on here (Y)

And take a look at http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/ - if you haven't already, great service run by trials riders.

Edited by Ninja Manatee
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thanks for the help mate, been watching ebay and that and had a good look on tarty bikes, think the main problem is ive not really seen any bikes up close or had chance to try any out and see how they feel but ill have a look and see if anyone near sells trials bikes, tarty bikes is only up the road but i was looking on there site and they dont have a showroom kind of thing but hopefully someone round here will

cheers, karl

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ill see what i can do, ive just found another shop near me they only stock diamond back but they have a 24" and 26" instock so i'll have a look and see what size is better for me and take it from there


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cheers i dont like the look of a lot of diamond back bikes, but i d like the look of the effect 24", is there a review section on this forum where i can find out a little bit about them? ive also been looking at a 20" yaabaa 549 which is £500 from tarty bikes which is around my price range and also the zoo lynx spec 1 just wondeing if you would recommend either of these bikes the zoo is a bit out of my price range but a bit of saving and i could have it

cheers, karl

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There isn't really a dedicated Reviews section, people just seem to post new topics asking "Is x a good bike?".

Do a quick google search for "*insert bike name here* review", there's a few random sites that come up, and just have a scan around them :)

Or again, you could talk to tarty about some bikes, ask them for advice on which would suit your size, weight, budget etc...

You could talk to local riders as well, once you're a full member there's a "Rides and locations" thread, you could see if anyone's riding near you and talk to the riders about going to try some bikes out.

I can't really give you a review on either of them, I've not been riding long, I've got a M.A.D. Phase 1.2, so it's all I know, and I love it :D

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It may be worth giving tartys a ring and explaining your situation, if your considering a bike they stock they may let you go down to have a feel of what they're like before you buy. Other than that try and get out to a ride nearby and maybe try and blag a quick go on someones ride.

If your just starting though I'd probably recommend a 20", they're easy to pick up the basics on and a lot of fun. I've always ridden a 26" and built a 20 up recently for a bit of fun and I find myself riding that more now!

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For learning i would recomend a mod too. dont let people tell you your too tall for one either, im 6'4" and i ride a mod.

I like the look of an Echo lite 09, think that would be good as a first bike and still be good enough as you get better, excellent spec for the money.

Good luck with finding a bike you like.

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