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Single Speed Again


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Hi all

I own a mad phase 1.2 and have asked before but wanna know a little more. What would I need to make it single speed I know a kit of sprockets but do people run freewheels on te back? As for a tensioner would the onza one on rock n roll bikes fit. What do you think off spoke tensioners all advice appreciated

Thanks :)

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Assuming you have a rear freehub and are running an 22t sprocket up front you'll need a spacer kit, 18t rear sprocket and as for the tensioner you will be ok with a single wheeled one but I'd go for a sprung setup to save hassle with setting up the correct chain tension. Something like http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/sprung_tensioners/4jeri_tensioner/c48p10179.html would be fine for the job.

You can put a freewheel on the rear if your running a fixed rear hub but personally I'd stick with running one on the cranks.

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Right the hub is the one that came I'll take a guess and say it's fixed (because there the cheeper ones) so I'd need a splined sprocket (would that fit and how) a tensioner the onza one maybe the 4 jerri one and spacers thats about£35 fitted is it worth in the long run also what sprocket should I get 18t or 20t what's the difference and what tensioner is better at keeping tucked out the way oh yeah I'd also need a new chain would get the onza kool one so it's £45 that's a fair bit shall I upgrade it or not ?

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All you need is this.




and to shorten your chain, that is all.

If your chain is not wide enough go and buy a single speed specific one.

Stage one:

Remove cassette lock ring, this requires 2 tools, a lock ring tool and a chain whip. Internet guides will show you how.

video guide below:

the cassette should just slide of the hub,

Put spacers and new sprocket on the hub, rearrange them until the sprocket is in a straight line to the crank sprocket.

put cassette lock-ring back on the hub.

Shorten chain, put back onto bike with the tentioner, ride!

If the chain is to long you wont get enough chain wrap and the hub will skip, same with bad chain line.

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To be honest if your improving and see yourself riding trials for a while I'd hang on and splash out on a new rear wheel build with a fixed hub and get some new cranks and run a front freewheel. It'd cost around the £200 mark but I personally think it'd be a much better investment than spending £45-50 on a single speed setup then changing to FFW later on.

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