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speaking as a beginner myself get hold of ryan leech's "the art of trials" and follow it through it starts off at the very basic bike setup and foward foot all the way to the most advanced moves and everything in between.

most of it is on you tube i belive or vimeo have a search around its 50 mins long but brilliant for beginners.

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the first think i suggest it that you practice hopping on the rear wheel and get the hang of moving forward on your rear wheel. this one think is the main major movement in trials . because its all about your preload.

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One of the vital things to learn is balance.. If you already have a good sense of balance then just step it up a level. If you don't have a good sense of balance then doing any hopping on the back wheel could seem impossible at first. Personally my sense of balance was atrocious and still isn't amazing, but what I did to battle this was jumping the front wheel onto a curb (either one step or two), holding on the back brakes and just keeping the bike upright with you balanced on this. Then move onto moving the front wheel about and eventually bring the front of the bike up so your balancing on the back wheel.

Don't think you will be able to do loads of tricks straight away, learnt the hard way annoyingly... ended up in a tree on many occasions.. ahem.

And yes get Ryan Leeches DVD. I bought it and put it on my iPod so I can look at it as many times as necessary when I'm out and it helped LOADS :)

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Deffinately just what other people have said, Start off by getting your balance sorted by doing trackstands.

Then move onto backhopping, try do 10 then 20 then 30 so on.

After you have got the hang of backhops you will realise from there the next thing you can start to do is gaps, start off doing them onto kerbs etc just until you get the hang of it.

Good luck

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