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Safety Gear?

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Get a helmet, this is a must.

Some people wear gloves, mostly to prevent callouses, or MANLY HANDS, from developing.

Some people wear shinpads, I have some (661 veggie pads) but I don't wear them too much. It reduces the sensation of shin-digs but you can still feel it.

Good, grippy shoes is often forgotten. Having some good shoes will stop your feet from coming off the pedals. I have Shimano AM40 that I wear sometimes, they turn shit pedals into ok pedals.

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Hey :) well kinda silly question :P but what safety gear do you guys and gals wear? and whats the best to get?

thanks :)

I'm assuming your quite new to trials? You should definitely get a helmet, because if you're a beginner you'll be falling over and bailing a lot of things. I've done trials for about 2 months, and quite glad i have my helmet to be honest ;) Take a look at this and you'll see why you should wear a helmet:

Oh and as you asked what kind to get, I recommend the Fox Flux. Quite pricey, but a really comfortable and nice looking helmet. :)

I recommend gloves, they don't really protect you from a fall, but protect your hands well. If you don't wear these you can get a lot of cracked skin and things.

You don't really need any other safety gear, I think.

Hope this helps.



Edited by piperfraz
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Hey :) thanks! yes im a newby ;) i have just brought my bike (onza zoot) <_< and waiting for it to come and like you said.. i will probaly fall of lots and would rather not die ;) hahah.. ouch! thats a nasty knock to the head :P now i defo want a helmet haha! i know im being a pain asking this but were would you say is the best place to buy these? :lol:

Thanks!!! (Y)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey :) thanks! yes im a newby ;) i have just brought my bike (onza zoot) <_< and waiting for it to come and like you said.. i will probaly fall of lots and would rather not die ;) hahah.. ouch! thats a nasty knock to the head :P now i defo want a helmet haha! i know im being a pain asking this but were would you say is the best place to buy these? :lol:

Thanks!!! (Y)


Sorry I took ages to reply.....

Try your local bike shop, but if you can't find one you like there, then look on http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Categories.aspx?CategoryID=1891 or http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/helmets/c89.html

Hope this helps!

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Sorry I took ages to reply.....

Try your local bike shop, but if you can't find one you like there, then look on http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Categories.aspx?CategoryID=1891 or http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/helmets/c89.html

Hope this helps!

NOO Go to MX1.net(or .com, .co.uk i dont remember) i got a fox flux of there for £45 no postage payment!

Otherwise you ahve to pay £70 ish

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NOO Go to MX1.net(or .com, .co.uk i dont remember) i got a fox flux of there for £45 no postage payment!

Otherwise you ahve to pay £70 ish

No offense but not everyone wants a fox flux he has given him a great choice of variety here, you cant disagree with it.

I'm sure he will find what he wants in the links (Y)

But a better link is This not just bmx style helmets

Also I wish when I started I had brought shin pads. My shins are really scarred up now <_<

Edited by F.N.G
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1. A helmet is a must. You could go for a pisspot/BMX style but you get hot in those. A good MTB one is fine

2.Shinpads are a great addition to have. It does hurt a lot when you dig your shins on the pedals

3. I tend to use downhill gloves as they are really tough and the palms have less padding, so you can feel more of the bars.

4.Go with either skate shoes or proper MTB/Trials shoes. They are designed to grip and do a far better job than trainers.

This next one may sound odd but,

If you wear any rings then take them off before riding. My wedding ring really digs in when I grip the bars.

Buy some hand cream, because your hands are going to get really sore.

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Helmet is a cert. Preferably one which comes down round the back of your head too to protect the base of your skull if you fall backwards onto something.

Gloves. These won't prevent callouses but they certainly help to stop your hands slipping on the grips when you get sweaty hands.

Shin pads are great for preventing the pedals mashing your shins, but some people find them quite constricting and hot, so that's up to you.

Elbow pads will obviously protect your elbows in a bail, but you will rarely see them worn for similar reasons to the leg pads.

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Definitely a helmet like all the others said, but i'd try and get one that covers as much of your head if possible.

Only problem i found is that full face are too heavy and cumbersome so i bought this. If thats a bit too pricey for you, 661 have a massive range of piss pot helmets going for £12+ on chain reaction cycles website now.

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