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Ebtc Barrow Farm Essex June 12Th


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EBTC round 4

Radical Bikes - Barrow farm in Essex

June 12th

The fourth round of the Essex Biketrial Club championship is coming up soon, June the 12th. If you have not got your entry form in yet then please do so. If you cant print it off or just cant get it in on time then just Post your name on here and or PM me with your details and i shall forward them to the trial secretary for you. Entry forms can be dowloaded from the EBTC website: www.ebtc.net . I am not the secretary this time, Matt Mitchel is secretary for this trial.

You do NOT need an ACU licence to compete, if you do not have 1 then a 1 day licence is available at a cost of £5.

As always we are looking for both observers on the Sunday and helpers to set out the sections on the Sataurday before. Any help is greatly appreciated.



Mick and the Mitchel family have put in an awful lot of work and effort in setting up and running Radical bikes. He has had a crane in recently and moved around the rocks and pipe section. He has also re-arranged the area in the middle with the staircase and green metal bins and tables etc. There is also a new section - still under construction made up of cotten reels and i believe balance beams and pallets. I believe Clive Smith is helping out with this section so a big thanks to Clive too. As you can see they have put in more than their fair share of the work so please, if you are around the day before the comp, make the effort and help out with the section building. The more help we can get, the faster it will be to set up, then we can all ride.

If you are not so local, maybe make a weekend of it? You may be able to camp the night, but please call Mick first to confirm as i am not 100% sure on that.

Any help really is very much appreciated.

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What time do you normally start? I'll be coming by train so just need to make sure I can get there in good time.


Thr trial normally starts around half 10, but I recommend getting there earlyier than that to get signed in and warmed up ect ect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It helps if you can mate, If not just give em a call let them know your coming, the number is on the entry form.

Do we have to send off the entry form?

Or can we just turn up?

I did ask this before, but I forgot :/

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Was Over there today :)

Gonna be a good comp. No sections in the woods..all on the manmade stuff.

Sections are all super awesome, and the new cotton reel section is sickk.

Unfortunatly not riding tomorrow though, which im gutted about :(

Has the weather been taken into account when building the sections mate?

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That sounds like it's miles too easy!

It depends what you practice. I ride their every weekend so when it comes to a comp there I would piss it! The log section looked hard but I did'nt get around to trying it. Shame I could'nt come as I would of liked to think I would of done quite well

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It depends what you practice. I ride their every weekend so when it comes to a comp there I would piss it! The log section looked hard but I did'nt get around to trying it. Shame I could'nt come as I would of liked to think I would of done quite well

Me and Charlie rolls finished on 6, he got the win due to most cleans.

Wasn't too wet, I do think the sections were a bit too easy!

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Oooh your the one on the new echo?

Love your bike dude! XD

Really fun trial, thanks to everyone that set out and observed today.

Sections were good fun, got a vit slippery on the cotton reels and logs at the end but thats all part of it :)

See you lot at the next one!

Cheers mate, I MIGHT actually stick with this one lol.

Was good fun, last section I did was on the tyres, was quite wet bye then.

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