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Shin splints but in the arm?


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I was wondering if its possible to get shin splints in your fore arms? I believe a lot of people misunderstand shin splints as somethig with your bones but it's actualy the muscle that runs down the front of your shin becoming inflamed. So I presume that it's the same principle for your arms. Has anybody else experienced this feeling ? I don't always get it only every now and again it's a full aching pain, it's not really painful just annoying and hoping it won't get worse. Any suggestions on how to help this anyone :) ?



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I guess in theory it's possible, although muscular composition in your arm probably differs to those in the shins, helping resist such sensation.

Any idea what in particular caused it, seeing as tibial periostitis (shin splints;)) is mainly due to incorrect running technique or poor footwear...

I would imagine that rest, cold packs and maybe some anti-inflammatory's would help though :)

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I havent a clue i have only just started noticing it, i have been riding a lot more often than usual recently though when i started to notice. Maybe that could be the cause ? I know the composition must differ slightly but i presume theres still some kind of muscle attachment to the bone that runs down the fore arm ? As i said its not too bad right now so its not worry just wanted to see weather it would get worse and what would cure once or if it gets worse. I should have said I don't get it every time i ride also i do get it randomly when i'm not on the bike as well which i find strange. Thanks for the advice though i'll keep it in mind if it becomes worse :)


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I havent a clue i have only just started noticing it, i have been riding a lot more often than usual recently though when i started to notice. Maybe that could be the cause ? I know the composition must differ slightly but i presume theres still some kind of muscle attachment to the bone that runs down the fore arm ? As i said its not too bad right now so its not worry just wanted to see weather it would get worse and what would cure once or if it gets worse. I should have said I don't get it every time i ride also i do get it randomly when i'm not on the bike as well which i find strange. Thanks for the advice though i'll keep it in mind if it becomes worse :)


I did a quick BJM (British Journal of Medicine) search and apparently it's super rare to get forearm splints. It's document but like only a handful of cases, you might just be super unlucky.

They said it's also common for it to persist, even after retiring from sport, which would explain why you sometimes get it when you're not even riding.

Apparently, not much can actually be done about it! So unfortunately looks like a painkiller jobby

Yes there is muscle attachment to the bone but in all honesty I cannot remember what it's called or what it's comprised of :P

Hope that helps anyway though dude

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Ah great at least theres something documented haha i've never heard of BJM i'll remember that one. I doubt thats what it is if its super rare then :) just one of those things where you dont know if it will get worse. I'm sure it'll be oryt. I'm not riding for a few days now anyway as i am fairly busy for a bit. But either it wont put me off riding and so far the pain isnt painkiller worthy fingers crossed it wont get that bad :D


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If its from riding it'll likely be down to a trigger point forming in your arm, they're common in most sports, they

Shin splints is a pretty specific term, but the feeling is often the same as a trigger point.

in addition to what showurcolours mentioned stretching and Ischaemic Compression are worth looking up if it does get worse or annoying,

This article has a good explanation if you are interested in finding out more:


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