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Please help


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So I have had my bike ( inspired four play) for around a month and a bit, I've only really ridden about 6 times for a hour or so each time, I'm going to get into it more soon.

So I can do 180 endos, I mean I can't do it on my first try but after around 5-6 try's I get it.

I can not what so ever do back wheel hopping, I can't even get up on the back wheel for less than a second, I need some help with that, also I've tried balencing the front wheel which I can't even do . So I need help

I can only get my hops like so little off the ground, no where near for doing anything in the air could do with help there.

I know it takes time but I'd like some help with this basic stuff


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well mate, I've had my fourplay about 3 months and I'm only starting to progress with hops now, it takes time, a long time! it's frustrating but keep at it..

for front wheel control, practice always on grass! you'll find the balance point over time

. with the back wheel control, you could try putting the front wheel up on an object and pull backwards and start trying to hop, as you rock back you'll start to find a balance point, most of your hops will be backwards, but over time you'll start to be able to holdit in place.

Ryan leech, mastering the art of trials onYouTube it worth looking at, and the thinkbike tutorials.

also as everyone will tell you, practice practice practice!

hope it helps


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Im new to trials aswell, I used to ride bmx and I found that a lot of the basic trials stuff like pivoting on the wheels, hopping and balancing I could already do.. but that's where the fairytale ended, trials is a specific discipline, ive been trying pedal kicks for maybe a month now and ive done like one that didnt result in a 'bottom meets floor' incident. like itchy boy said its all practice. watch all the tutorials and don't give up you'll get there!

Edited by f**megently
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