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Magura MT5 lever with MT7 caliper


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Did someone connect the MT5 lever with the MT7 caliper?

According to Magura the MT5 and MT7 levers and calipers are different. The MT7 levers have more leverage and so their throw is slightly longer, to make up for this the pads sit slightly closer to the disk on the caliper. MT5 has less leverage so the pads have a bit more clearance. According to this the MT7 Caliper with the MT5 lever should produce a pretty short throw on the lever.


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The master cylinders are also the same, as far as the piston goes at least. It's just some marketing to justify the blingy MT7. Of course, the MT7 also has some adjustability features on the MC (and optionally the HC3 lever) the MT5 lacks.

But with the longer lever, the MT5 actually has more leverage, and hence power, than the MT7. 

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