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Kazaa Lite?


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  • 1 year later...

Right here we go.

Limewire and bit torrent are two completly different things.

Limewire is a p2p network which connects to a pc and you have to get sources and it connects tot he g1 network, which is the best for music downloads.

As for bit torrent that is basically very simalair to a right click save target as method, but you download bit torrent and then go on torrent spy and find your file and download through bit torrent.

If you wish to have a p2p network where you can get all (music, movies, software and games) then use sharezea, the reason for that being the best for all sorts is because it connects to the 3 networks which are the g1, g2 and the e-donkey network, so you get alot more sources for all things.


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Welcome to isoHunt. This site is home to the most comprehensive BitTorrent search engine, with cross-referenced trackers data you can't find anywhere else. Along with integrated XDCC, Fserve and NFO search for files on IRC (currently offline). In short, this is your all-in-one P2P files search engine. Try searching in the form above, or browse around the Zeitgeist for what's hot.

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Welcome to isoHunt. This site is home to the most comprehensive BitTorrent search engine, with cross-referenced trackers data you can't find anywhere else. Along with integrated XDCC, Fserve and NFO search for files on IRC (currently offline). In short, this is your all-in-one P2P files search engine. Try searching in the form above, or browse around the Zeitgeist for what's hot.

Isohunt. :lol:

Total crap.


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I used limewire for single tracks up until recently but now that has turned into a mess of adverts for napster.

Bit-torrent is the way forward at the moment and is great for downloading full albums which you legally own of course.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used limewire for single tracks up until recently but now that has turned into a mess of adverts for napster.

Bit-torrent is the way forward at the moment and is great for downloading full albums which you legally own of course.

Its the thing about knowing which is real and which is not though. I can pretty much always dl a single track 1st try and avoid all the shite by choosing the right one.

I had limewire pro til my format. gotta get that back again...

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