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My mate used to have a sweet orange zero with hope M4's front and rear and their lock and bite was unbeatable, but he had some problems with them like once he did a 180 off a recycle bin and his rear rotor helicoiled and snapped off! he was miffed to a the least! No other brake can match up to the power but like anything they have cons so most people settle for the sensible solution-a hs33 on the back (or a decent v-brake). I doubt anyone has used the mono trial on the rear yet though?

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ive never run rear disc but my mono trial up front has so much bite i reckon it would cope on the rear.

my mates used to run rear C2s both of em cracked their disc mount, one zebdi, one echo ES4. and there is always a risk of clipping walls.

akrigg used to run em (f/r C2s) on his pace way back in 1999

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