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How Rare?!


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I don't think it's a scam. If you look at the cartridge it's diffrent from the standard PAL ones. So I think it's probably a foreign one. Like an emulator or something. I knew those existed back in the day..

Its a US cart, its totally fake but theres a market for proto carts anyways which is why some dony go cheap. In china and stuff you can find millions of random ones like Mario 6 and Grand Theft Auto, what they basically do is hack the roms and use different sprites on the games so they appear different.

The expensive ones are the JAP only releases that have been converted to UK text, even though there totally un-official getting your hands on one is VERY hard and if you want the game in english then its the only way! An example of this is Secret of Mana 3 which never made it out but the game is a really great japanese game so when a fake eng-conversion one came up it hit around £300 :P

They always seem to be NES or SNES games though :P

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Its a US cart, its totally fake but theres a market for proto carts anyways which is why some dony go cheap. In china and stuff you can find millions of random ones like Mario 6 and Grand Theft Auto, what they basically do is hack the roms and use different sprites on the games so they appear different.

Ding ding ding ding we have a winner :P I saw a copy of sonic that was actually mario with lots of changed sprites :P

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haha you guys are fools its a big scam and tekken 2 come on tekken 1 was released around 1997 and the snes is much older  :P"

Actually there is a pirate megadrive game called VF vs Taken 2 which has virtua fighter and tekken characters in it, never seen the cartridge but i have played it. (Geek :"> :P )

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