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they will ask you about your application form, the things your wrote down ect, then generally about weather you could put up with people bothering you while your building a bike, general questions about the job, or they did with me anyway, dress smart, i.e shirt but kinda casual smart if you get me, dont turn up in ridin jeans ect.


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Make sure you dont make the same mistake as I did!

He was asking about my previous experience at a bike shop and I didnt say it exactly but the way he worded it and I worded it was somein along the lines of I like building bikes more then selling them! opps! That was the jist of it anyway!

The manager of our local halfords is not interested in fixing customers bikes, its all about selling the crappy £200 bikes! Thats why I didnt get the job, o well, im glad I didnt get the job actually! Some cheese nob got the job instead of m who dosent know fu*k all bout bikes, don't seem right!

Good luck milky bar kid! Dont wear your sheriffs hat!

Rob (Y) :D

Edited by Rob P
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To be honest mate.. they employ some RIGHT muppets.. ive seen so many come and go over my few years in the bikehut... so you should be fine...... :)

Take your NRA if you have one.. if they still call it that.. and a copy of your CV in case they lost it or whatever..... Don't lie... it makes things more complicated, stay calm, look smartish and dont't be late. The rest is pretty easy, be nice and polite and friendly, talk enthusiastically about your bike experiences.. It'll be in the bag.

best of luck :(


Edited by mariojoshi
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To be honest mate.. they employ some RIGHT muppets.. ive seen so many come and go over my few years in the bikehut... so you should be fine...... :)

Take your NRA if you have one.. if they still call it that.. and a copy of your CV in case they lost it or whatever..... Don't lie... it makes things more complicated, stay calm, look smartish and dont't be late.  The rest is pretty easy, be nice and polite and friendly, talk enthusiastically about your bike experiences..  It'll be in the bag.

best of luck :(


Yeah. Couldn't really put it any better myself!

I work there and it's f**king easy. :)

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