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Ok, so we've all seen the bike pics thread and been jealous of other people's wheels but what about injuries?!

There must be a faction of trialsers out there with a morbid facination of stiches so let's see the pics of the holes people have put in their shins!


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Ouch, darn that must have stung! How long until you were back on the bike? What caused the accident, broken chain or something?

Healing vibes if it was recent!


I dont know how I done it :turned: I must of caught my backwheel on the coping on the quarter dropping in

I couldnt bite food or chew properly for like a week because my jaw had moved or something, I was out riding a week later so not too bad :D

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This isn't me but a guy on a vid that i was sent,
This is his face afterwords

My worst crash is when i lost balence on the front off a flat bed and landed head first,chipping four teeth,nearly braking my hand and bruises,glad i was wearing my helmet as there was a massive crack on the inside
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Blah i so wish we took a camera out riding.. i attract bad falls when on the sunny isle of wight.

Here is one of my ankle a week after a gap over some stairs i couldnt get out of bed to take any pics sooner. Luckily the bruising has started to go away and swelling had gone down by then.


The hole/cut is where it rolled so much it touched the ground and cut on some stone or something.

Here is what its like a year on for comparison:


Also mr tarty might have a pic somwhere of my cut shin.. got hit 3 times in the same place by my pedal. THAT WAS FUN

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Thats bad man...

I do wear shinpads now, need some lighter/less sweaty ones for summer though.

I did that riding into town to meet people :D after about half an hour I could feel the blood running down my leg and I pulled my trouser up and I thought it was my knee :D


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A boy I met in franbourough has one. You may have seen it in MBUK.

He fell off his bike and his stomach went into the end of his bars. LUCKILY he had bar ends. He went to hospital thinking he would just get the usual its justed bruised rest it for a while. But when he had and x-ray doctors revealed his liver had torn(I think into two parts not sure) He had to stay in hospital for two months afterthat to get his liver sorted and now has a scar down the middle of his stomach.

Without bar ends he may well have died.

Joe :shifty:

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A boy I met in franbourough has one. You may have seen it in MBUK.

He fell off his bike and his stomach went into the end of his bars. LUCKILY he had bar ends. He went to hospital thinking he would just get the usual its justed bruised rest it for a while. But when he had and x-ray doctors revealed his liver had torn(I think into two parts not sure) He had to stay in hospital for two months afterthat to get his liver sorted and now has a scar down the middle of his stomach.

Without bar ends he may well have died.

Joe  B)

crap, that happened to me a few weeks ago, i thought that my stomach was bad injured, it did hurt so much, but luckily it was fine :shifty:

Things like that is scary, and i didn't have bar ends, so now i have a circle on my stomach :D

Buying bar ends tomorrow...

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Talking of bars going in to you, i was riding some natural on sea defence rocks. Hopping about and the front wheel went in to a hole i followed the bike down and my body slid down in. I suddenly felt the biggest pain in my chest, the handlebars were holding me up out the hole right in my rib cage. I got out slowly thinking they had gone inside but luckily they hadnt. So carried on riding with just a bruise and badly winded. Turns out a few days later and a x ray showed id broken a rib. Its a killer to sleep with :shifty: feel sorry for anyone else thats been through it.

oh and i finally found a pic on my phone of my shin after it got hit twice in the same place by my shindig pedals. I think this was taken about a week after the accident, i'd just cut the dressing off it to see how it was looking. The white in the deep cut is dead skin which can be folded back.. .yummy

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