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James Hart

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not that bad.

graphics up top(the rim) look a bit messy compared to the rest of the site.

rest of the site is clean, official-looking though.

Videos would be nice.

underlining things that aren't links is annoying.

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Cor, where to start.

You can clearly see you've used a template, not only from the PDA lying underneath the rim, badly cut off, but from the poor use of it.

The PDA is completly out of place, and is badly cut off at the top, so maybe try and remove it alltogether, or add the top corner of it into your banner, so it mixes and flows better. The banner which cuts over it is completly out of place, and badly compressed, along with a rim badly edited out of its background. The font for the site name also doesn't go with anything, so maybe use a simpler font, with a different rim picture, and compress it better. Photoshop does this well, as does Paint Shop Pro if you set it to maximum. No one really cares that greatly about big pictures anymore because of the general lack of 56k users these days, but don't go mega over board by using .bmp style compression.

The navigation is badly spaced, not only horizontally, but vertically. It's also very boring, in a trying-to-be-simple-but-failing way. Maybe move the text up a few pixels, and possible make the height of the navigation bar a bit less, making sure each navigation item is evenly spaced. Users most of the time also want to see what pages they have visited, and which they havn't, so make "visited" links appear different in some way, whether it be colour or style.

You then have a HUGE amount of dead space between the bottom of the navigation which is filled with a load of template crap that is there to make it look like an interface, but doesn't at all, along with some bright red writing underlined in blue, which is horrid. Try and remove this, and the mass of space, or edit it so its greatly reduced.

News section is generally ok, but as a rule of thumb, don't ever underline anything that isn't a link. Its also a W3C guideline, so might as well start doing it now.

The content area is quite abismal. Its cramped and used badly. Everything is set right up against the left edge and the top left edge has some random lines there.

I'm not quite sure what your trying to achieve by the right links area, but its implemented so badly. The links aren't centered, and there completly out of line with the fading backgrounds that i guess are mean't to be in line with each link.

Meh, hopefully some of this has helped, well, i hope it has, didn't write this all out for it to be ignored. :(

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Thanks guys.

Firstly though yes we did use a template but i dont no how to get rid of that stupid PDA thing so i might change the template.

I will scale the banner down at the top (well try to do something with it).

And sort everything else out.

Cheers :(

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I think its actually the template thats ruining it....

Design trends at the moment are to keep things simple and too the point (why 2advaned havent had a lot of work recently)

Some of the best sites out at the moment are incredibly simple. check out http://www.fatoe.com/official/ as an example

My advice would be to ditch the template and try and create something of your own.

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