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Thinking Of A New Pc


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Right, first off the socket on the motherboard has a different number of pins (939) to the CPU (754), so good luck trying to get that to fit together. Get either both 939 or both 754.

There's not really much point in buying that sound card, it'll most likely not be any better than the onboard sound on the motherboard. So just ditch that and save the £15.

You've put some really slow memory on there. Get PC3200 (400MHz) at least otherwise you're seriously slowing the computer down for no reason. In most cases PC3200 is the cheapest stuff anyway. 2x512mb is usually faster than 1x1024mb stick too, especially if you go with a 939 system.

And the graphics cards, I think it would make more sense just to get a single 6800 rather than two 6600 in SLI (Also eBuyer only have one in stock anyway (N) ). But you might want to look that up, I'm not sure on that at all. If there's no difference in speed though I would still get the 6800 as then you have the option to upgrade to another one when you feel the need, and double the power.

So yeah, there's a few things to think about. Get back to the drawing board (Y)

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