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Sods Law


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Hi - sorry to hear of your misfortune!

I have had my trials bike for over 6 weeks now, but have spent about 3 weeks, on and off recovering from various aches and pains!!

I had to take a week off when I pulled a muscle in my back (unbearable to so much as backhop) and now my bike is sitting in the shed because I have a sore shoulder, so Im giving it a week to (hopefully) recover rather than just jumping back on the bike after 2 days like I have been doing. Maybe it will heal this time!

Fingers crossed we heal soon :)


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yeah we've have all been there dude - its crap, but you gotta just live with it. the two week before i went on holiday i fell badly on my right wrist three times (i never never fallen on my wrist before), the first ride back after my hols i couldn't pull my front brake after a few hrs, but its been ok since then. :)

hope you get better soon dude


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Hi - sorry to hear of your misfortune!

I have had my trials bike for over 6 weeks now, but have spent about 3 weeks, on and off recovering from various aches and pains!!

I had to take a week off when I pulled a muscle in my back (unbearable to so much as backhop) and now my bike is sitting in the shed because I have a sore shoulder, so Im giving it a week to (hopefully) recover rather than just jumping back on the bike after 2 days like I have been doing. Maybe it will heal this time!

Fingers crossed we heal soon :P


Try stretching before you ride it's alot better and would help stop you pulling your muscles

Cheers Kyle.

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Try stretching before you ride it's alot better and would help stop you pulling your muscles

Cheers Kyle.

Hi :P

Thanks for the tip - since I pulled my back I have been doing 5-10 mins of stretches before every ride, but unfortunately my shoulder still aches. It started aching after a harsh landing when sidehopping off a wall, so I think I jarred/pulled it or something...

Ill take a week off and hopefully it will be okay :P


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hey craig, shame that happened, i was lookin forward to meeting up with you again. :P

hows it lookin now?

i was thinking of arranging a ride in lake ogwen next sunday, fancy that?



Im going to give it another day and see how a few hops about the garden feel, Ive not got much else to do except more boredom designing and yeah same here mate, It's about time I got out!!!

How was the ride with Mr Wing ?


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