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Island Style


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Thanks for the kind words. The footage in that is all over 5 years old now. We were all very heavily influenced by the Uk trials scene at the time and I still am. It was originally sold as a real deal vhs vid which did alright I guess. 2500 copies I think it was? It was all we had made.

At the time only Mike Bentham and Morley Wilkins were pro riders. The rest of us were varying degrees of Expert and Sport riders. I thought it would be cool to put on the net because we sold all our copies and Matt at Otn gave the go ahead for the bandwidth. Not a whole lot made it outside of North America so it was cool to show the rest of the world. Yes its old footage and yes it has very little to do with how a bike is ridden today, but thats part of why I like it I think. Shows your roots.


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Thanks for the kind words. The footage in that is all over 5 years old now. We were all very heavily influenced by the Uk trials scene at the time and I still am. It was originally sold as a real deal vhs vid which did alright I guess. 2500 copies I think it was? It was all we had made.

At the time only Mike Bentham and Morley Wilkins were pro riders. The rest of us were varying degrees of Expert and Sport riders. I thought it would be cool to put on the net because we sold all our copies and Matt at Otn gave the go ahead for the bandwidth. Not a whole lot made it outside of North America so it was cool to show the rest of the world. Yes its old footage and yes it has very little to do with how a bike is ridden today, but thats part of why I like it I think. Shows your roots.


Whens the next vid out then (Y) dvd maybe? i think so


Edited by mavic
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Whens the next vid out then (Y) dvd maybe? i think so


It would be barely recognizable as being from "us." Half the guys are now out of trials. If anyone remembers who was all in the mtt group I am the only one of the 5 left.

It's tough to commit to a video. It is a whole lot of work and it is very easy to have it ripped off and put on the net. Besides you are up against the best riding in the world that is easily downloadable. Back in 2000 the market was a little easier for a pay to own video. Now its really tough, especially when the majority of the guys in it are just no name expert riders. I make internet videos. I'm working on a kinda full length internet one, but thats been going on forever so who knows what will happen with that.

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Yeh I got the trailer to start with then when it come out in full last year I got it straight away. One of the few epic videos that have been made, such a nice mixture of awesome locations, riders and the occasional bail (such as Bretts faceplant).

Top video, your lucky its come out for free download now. (Y)

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