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Does Street Riding Look Good On 20" Trials Bike?


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I love doing manuals, spins and bunnyhops on my mod :$ Got 360 bunnyhops better now. Can sorta do them moving now too, so might have to try and incorporate it into stuff. But yeah, manuals, abubacas, fufanus, etc. - they're all do-able on a mod, in the same way they are on a stock. It's the same with both though - if you don't have a streety style/mindset, you won't ride with a streety style.

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ye staples was fair throwing that t-mag about................

i think some moves on 20" would look impressive but what you have to think of its like a bmx but super light. so flicking it around a bit like what staples was doing sort of is easier, you more loose control on a 20" i found cos your trying to do it how you would do it on a 26" bike and it just doesnt need to be done like that. i cant get used to my 26" bike now cos iv ridden a mod for the weekend im propa going to cry. the 20" and 26" bike have two completly different styles to them.

only my opinion on matters from my weekend on a 20" (Y) hehe >_<


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