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Mac Users Help Please


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hiya, got a mac, want the internet, does anyone have any information on the following?

1) what ISP (broadband around 2mbps)?

2) what hardware? modem blatently ut any specific preferance?

3) what anti virus software?

4) any compatability issues with videos, formats of videos, where can i get codecs?

5) is there a mac version of msn messenger or do you have to do without?

6) anything else i should know?

thankyou so much if you can help me with this


Edited by toxicturky
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1. any regular isp, it doesnt matter, its easier if they arent aol though as aol is generally a bit weird and not so easy to setup on a router.

2. modem? well, as long as its a modem with an ethernet port out of it it should be fine.

3. you dont need anti virus on a mac. its very secure anyway and 99% of virii are written to attack windows based pcs.

4. the only thing it doesnt like to play so well are wmv format videos but it plays everything else perfectly. there is windows media player for mac but its not very good... you just need to get a program called vlc which is great.

5. msn messenger for mac is a program ms make.... its crap though. best bet is to get a program called adiumx which is wonderful.

6. that by getting a mac you are making a great decision

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Ive got a wireless router, turned it on, mac found it, put in my details from internet provider, internet worked. Was quite easy.

There is a mac msn, u can download on msn.com, mactopia page, but i find adium much better, put adium mx in google you will find it. I found the mac msn, kept cutting off and i couldnt send or recieve files.

I have no anti virus software, not sure if u can even get viruses on macs? ^_^

For videos download, windows media player from microsoft.com for mac, on the mactopia page, and you should already have quicktime, if not get that too, then you should be able to paly most files, with those.

Hope that helps. :lol:

EDIT: Beaten to it. :lol:

Edited by wally
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thankyou sooo much, the response time was quality too lol, probably just get a cable modem but i'm guessin thats exactly the same as anyfink else, cheers guys :lol: ^_^ :lol: :P

looked up that adium on google, take it it;s compatable with msn, mite sound silly but it's just none of may mates have macs and i don't want to be alone lol


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